Kenya will pressure African states to improve elephant protection – Xinhua


NAIROBI, July 14 (Xinhua) – Kenya is planning to pressure African states to step up their elephant protection measures to protect mammals from extinction, said Saturday. Government Leader, Margaret Mwakima. The Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife told reporters in Nairobi that some southern African countries are currently authorizing domestic trade in ivory products, which could complicate efforts to safeguard the elephant's life. Africa

. and West Africa support Kenya's efforts to ensure that all elephants enjoy the highest level of protection, "said Mwakima during a campaign march

on the international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora (CITES), which means that they are allowed to exchange ivory for elephants from the rest Mwakima said that the inscription of two categories of African elephants endangers elephant populations throughout the continent.

She said that most African states have accepted to lobby for the inclusion of all African elephants in Appendix One at the next CITES meeting to be held in Sri Lanka in May 2019.

The Government said that Africa had the opportunity to save its elephant population

Mw Akima noted that the government remains committed to saving Africa's elephant and all endangered species through the implementation of a clear framework as stated in the Strategy. National Wildlife 2030.

Jim Nyamu, Executive Director of Elephant The Neighbors Center, said he travels 4,500 kilometers across six countries that are elephant pastures in order to raise awareness of illegal poaching of elephants. He said that the lack of sufficient integration of policies in Africa against poaching crimes to protect wildlife sanctuaries and transboundary parks has created loopholes in the pursuit of illegal activities of trophy hunters.

Nyamu stated that the existence of two categories of elephant protection constitutes an incitement to poaching in Africa.

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