Khama questions the credibility of the BTO report


This comes after the Minister of Environment, Natural Resources, Conservation and Tourism, Tshekedi Khama, questioned the credibility of the report presented to Parliament on Wednesday. He explained that the report 's conclusions seemed a bit nasty in some way. He expressed concern about the contradictory message he received from the committee chairman, MP Samson Moyo Guma, who told him that the Cabinet would have forgotten this report over time.

"My biggest problem is the contradictory messages the president who is not here today. You see, a year ago when it started, the president told me, I quote, they would have forgotten that report. Let go the time. We follow the advice of the chair of this committee. He then came to see me and said, "You have other officials working against you," and mentioned a few that I do not need to mention at this point . In any case, the year has pbaded, we have been called again and we are repeating the same questions, "he said.

He said that the president allowed to make adjustments on what was to to be done, what they did.He was surprised when he was told that the Gaborone Bonnington South Ndaba Gaolathe MP was going to present the report because Guma could not present it in front of Parliament since he was in conflict, adding that he was confused whether the dispute was considering the whole report or part of it.

Khama also told Parliament that he felt that MP Phenyo Butale had omitted some of the urgent issues on the report.He said that he thought that there were irregularities and some issues that had not been taken into account when submitting this report, that He felt that the intentions of the report needed to be remodeled. he requested that the report be postponed to a later date.

For his part, the member for Gaborone North Haskins Nkaigwa supported the report, arguing that it was necessary for Parliament to adopt the report by reviewing its findings and recommendations. proposed before. He said that cooperation governance is important.

"Ke dumela gore fa o bona matona ba itirela jaana, ke gone gore bontsi jwa the laws that are enforced in Botswana, they give the power to the minister to appoint the Council and even to appoint the President of the Council [19659002] They also give the power

to the minister to appoint the general manager Ke gore o bona gore golo moo va raya gore minister o ka itirelela jaaka a batlang ka teng I think it's bad for governance This is not a way of running the country, which is why corruption is very strong in this country, "he said.

He said that the report would be able to show how the funds were used and curb corruption for Botswana. He added that the report would be able to show how government funds were used.

The report is inspired by the need to pave the way for the 2017 Tourism Bill (Bill 31 of 2017), the pbadage of which gave rise to complex issues that were already before the committee. .

In reading the report, Gaolathe said that Botswana continues to face many development challenges on the pathways and drivers of economic and social transformation. He said that the fate of large parts of their people wallowing in unworthy living conditions, and the misery that accompanies the idleness of so many minds and hands of their people was Reason enough for all those who take the oath in this room "The Committee of Statutory and State Enterprises, in all its deliberations, considers that it is necessary to set up a system of enterprises Our investigation process includes interviews with spokespersons and other stakeholders, a review of the financial statements and a general review of documentation from other sources. the soundness of financial management performance, because they affect the viability / effectiveness of our public enterprise system in general, "he said

. in the overall governance of the same institution. He added that he defines these governance violations and provides details on violations of the BTO law, and non-compliance with the basic management procedure.

Identifies the specific actions taken at the BTO that feed into the governance committee's inferences, including the unauthorized creation of the Dubai satellite office, the illegal instructions to the BTO to make purchases on behalf of the ministry, the illegal creation of the Tourism Fund, illegal restructuring of the BTO, irregular appointment of an attaché at the Washington DC Embbady and illegal termination of the CEO's employment contract, among others.

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