Kristoffersson and Kristensen subscribe to RoC Mexico


Kristoffersson sealed two consecutive WRX titles with the Volkswagen PSRX group earlier this year and made his debut in the 2018 Race of Champions race in Saudi Arabia.

He is now coming back to represent the Nordic Team in the Nations Cup, alongside Kristensen, the format in which the WRX driver has won three of three races in qualifying.

The same year, Kristoffersson went to the semi-finals of the individual Race of Champions before his WRX teammate, Petter Solberg, eliminated him.

"I'm super excited to return to the Race Of Champions for the second year," said Kristoffersson. "Last year was a good experience with good battles before I was beaten by my rallycross teammate, Petter Solberg, so this year, I do not want to take revenge!

"It's a big challenge to compete with some of the best riders in the world, but the goal is always to win, and more importantly, I'm going to have fun and enjoy the race."

Kristensen returns to the Race of Champions for the 15th time, equaling the record for most games alongside 1984 World Rally Champion Stig Blomqvist.

Although he retired from motorsport after the 2014 World Endurance Championship season, Kristensen said the Race of Champions remained his "one exception".

He added: "ROC is a very special event and I am always very honored to participate.

"The challenge is to compete against the best drivers of many power sports series. It's also very fun to kiss the young guns, and I look forward to teaming with Johan in Team Nordic.

"I met him for the first time in Gotland, Sweden, while he was still only a boy – and I followed his impressive career with a great interest since. "

Kristensen has yet to win the Race of Champions, adding: "I hope to be able to remedy this in Mexico City".

"Whatever it is, it's always a good weekend and we also like to meet race fans from around the world.I especially hope we can offer all the racing fans." from Mexico an unforgettable show. "

Fredrik Johnsson, President of the ROC, said: "This is great news that Tom and Johan are going to ROC Mexico in January.

"Johan is so dominant in the FIA ​​Rallycross World Championship right now, it's not surprising that he made such impressive debuts at ROC in Riyadh.

"Now, he is sure to be one of the leading contenders in Mexico, but he will have to first get rid of his northern team partner, Tom, who will match the record of all times of Stig Blomqvist for the ROC appearances so that he has experience on his side.

"Who will be the winner? We are looking forward to welcoming you to Mexico City in January to enjoy the show."

Tom Kristensen at the wheel of the Ariel Atom Cup

Tom Kristensen at the wheel of the Ariel Atom Cup

Photo by: Race of Champions

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