According to the Sekhute-Segokotlo Keitumetse of the organization, Lepako was born last year on the realization that Setswana culture was declining every day. She said that it struck her when she realized that the Standard 7 child did not know traditional games and even pets.
"I was shocked when I realized that my child did not even know life on the farm. He did not know how to milk a goat and had no idea of traditional games. I realized that many children could go through the same ordeal and that it was up to me to do something.
After thinking about some ideas, I realized that we had a farm that was not far from the road and the village I could turn into a recreation center, "she said.
Lepako is headed from the farm in Kumakwane, three kilometers from the main road She said that in addition to teaching children how to milk goats, she brought other ideas such as that learning from traditional chores like threshing cereals, go hehera and others
Sekhute-Segokotlo said that she wanted children to know their food – how grain is processed up to That they are ready for consumption, she added that their packages also include traditional games such as koi, mhele, charma, morabaraba and others.
Lepako also offers its party-goers a chance to ride carts pulled by donkeys. two farm animals and wild birds such as ostriches and peabads. They also have rabbits and fish. This has attracted many schools in and around Gaborone who now have the opportunity to use the venue to teach their students the Setswana culture.
Children from preschool age to higher education students would have used the place for various reasons. The organization has also organized bootcamps for higher education students, friends and employees of different companies.
"We also offer camping. We have campsites with toilets and ablutions. Guests can either bring their own camping gear or hire Lepako. We also have a quality sound system and professional DJs available for the duration of your stay. We respond to short events or lala vuka. She added that Sekhute-Segokotlo offers wellness and team building activities for seniors who have obstacle courses such as crawling belly, balance beam, warrior. She also said she had experienced aerobics instructors who offered different types of aerobics explaining that these activities were vital to people's health. Among the wellness activities, Lepako also offers tug war, five-a-side football and volleyball.
Even though they offer catering services, they offer their guests the opportunity to bring their own food. She added that the place had attracted people from different cultures and that it was flexible for all types or people, because it previously welcomed people with disabilities and offered them activities that were sympathetic to them
. child while adults pay each P100 which also covers all the activities of the day.
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