Maboyi spells out priority list


The Herald

Thupeyo Muleya Beitbridge Office
Zanu-PF National Assembly Candidate for Beitbridge West Constituency Cde Ruth Maboyi said he said tourism, education and health care facilities

She said the

In an interview yesterday, Cde Maboyi said Beitbridge West was home to Fort Tuli, the entry point of the pioneer column into the country, the Maramani communal lands and the Greater Mapungubwe Transfrontier Conservation Area (GMTFCA) made up of parks from Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe.

She said the area was also rich in cultural history, including artifacts and Bushmen paintings from the early Stone Age and the dinosaur fossils around the Sentinel Area.

"Beitbridge has lots of potential to develop in terms of tourism," she said. "

" You will also note that we still have a shortage of primary health care in this area. care facilities and schools. We need to engage with these partners. For instance, the ideal situation will be at least one of the most important clinics in the world.

"In addition, there is a need to lure lightnings to this area to take up opportunities. in infrastructure, water and sanitation development. "

Cde Maboyi said it was critical for political leaders to respect traditional leaders and the people they served to steer meaningful development.

Cde Maboyi

Cde Maboyi

"There are four men from different parts of the world. who are also running for the parliamentary seat, but I am not bothered because I have stronger grbadroots support, "she said.

Cde Maboyi, who is t he is the only woman in the race for Beitbridge West, will be off against Messrs Moffat Ndou (PRC), Ronald Ndlovu (FreeZim Congress), Brighton Ithutheng Sibanda (MRP) and Enock Singo (MDC-Alliance).

"I am also "Maboyi, said Cde Maboyi."

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