Making ends meet


  Making ends meet
Making ends meet

With families to feed and expenses to cover, these intrepid entrepreneurs harnessed their artistic talents to make ends meet.

  Making ends meet

Being illiterate did not stop George Molele, 73 years old. Over the last 29 years, the father of three has used his hands to survive, sculpting his life through his artistic instincts.

The young-looking grandfather uses glue, sticks and all that I find useful Molele began exporting sculptures from Malawi in 1984.

Realizing that he could Earning a little more money while he was manufacturing the products himself, Molele started manufacturing in 1989.

] With the little he's got, he hired an accountant to teach him how to manage his finances. .

It turned out to be a wise decision as he built a three-room house with his savings and is now building a sharing some of his challenges, the retiree notes that the only people interested in his sculptures are the foreigners

"Botswana do not support us, they want us to give them goods on credit or at half price", moaned the sculptor, who

<img clbad = "size-full wp-image -77490 "src =" "alt =" INSPIRED: Matlhaku

Thabang Matlhaku, 24, is a sculptor from Mochudi who Is interested in art as a student at Gaborone Senior Secondary. He was then mentored by a close friend.

Having failed his Formula 5 exams and not knowing what to do, Matlhaku was struck by a sudden inspiration.

He noticed that children no longer played with wired cars, unlike his youth when they were a common sight. Determined to revive the popularity of the toy, he began to manufacture and sell it himself.

The cars were a great success and he added wire to his repertoire. the main one being suspicious police officers who often ask him about where he pulls his thread.

"Rust is also a challenge factor, I have to find good materials and maintain my sculptures is expensive," says Matlhaku. he sold his goods to the Main Mall a month ago and could buy new shares with profits.

A bad day, he makes the P400.

  Making ends meet

75 years old Otukile Alfred Seleka has been a shoe repairer for more than 50 years. Indeed, he worked as a shoemaker for longer than Botswana has existed!

Seleka grew up in Pitsane and left school after Standard 5.

At the time, his future seemed bleak. However, he was taught the art of repairing shoes by his uncle, who would prove his economic salvation.

Seleka took to the new skill as a pair of perfectly fitted slippers and opened his own stand in 1962, where he

The peddler buys his sons in hardware stores and, although he complains that they are expensive, he explains that in a company like his, "you have to spend money to earn money!"

"People have cost us a lot of money. Money by buying soles. They give us shoes to repair and never come back for them. It's a total loss of my time and my money! "He told.

Seleka, who is the only provider of his family, managed to enroll his nine children in school. "width =" 720 "height =" 460 "srcset =" 720w, /2018/07/Makgorotlha-350×224.jpg 350w,×383.jpg 600w, /2018/07/Makgorotlha-657×420.jpg 657w,×409.jpg 640w, /2018/07/Makgorotlha-681×435.jpg 681w "sizes =" (max-width: 720px) 100vw, 720px "/>

THRIVING: Makgorotlha

What started as a hobby to gain a little more money has become a thriving business for Lillian Makgorotlha, age 48.

In 1999, the mother of three children's maid work to focus on her full-time pbadion, sewing and making jewelry with pearls.

She now dresses many traditional groups, Culture Spears and the most famous.

Makgorotlha, who also makes wedding clothes "

" Our clothes are worn out and they lose their quality – business is slow during the rainy season, "she said.

Despite this obstacle, business is booming. my biggest customers, they love African clothes. When they are here, I can earn 5,000 pesos a day, "Makgorotlha proudly revealed, adding that she has built a beautiful house and has enrolled her children in the best schools thanks to the profits made through his business.

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