Male Infertility in Africa: Breaking the Stigma


"We were successful after our second IVF series," smiles Marcia

They are now the parents of a two-year-old girl.

TimesLIVE spoke to Marcia's husband, who, while reporting on The Trip Requested for Not Being Quoted in This Article.

For this Zimbabwean couple now living in South Africa, the story of how their daughter was conceived is something that they chose not to share with their friends and family. To combat the stigma of infertility in Africa, the Merck Foundation – a non-profit organization based in the health sector – brought to Kenya 200 journalists from various African countries for a media training session on l & # 39; infertility. 19659002] Professor Oladapo Ashiru of Nigeria, President of the African Fertility Society, spoke of the importance of media spreading correct information about infertility.

Ashiru said Africans should know w that infertility was neither a witchcraft nor a myth, and that there were ways to treat it.

"There are men who know that they have a problem but are afraid to come forward because they do not know that there are solutions," he said.

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