Masisi faces mutiny … While his party and opposition members want it || The Southern Times



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By Mpho Tebele

President Mokgweetsi Masisi faces a revolt of one faction within his ruling party, the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP), which seems to want to revoke it, just months after his investiture.

Masisi faces unprecedented pressure from the opposition coalition movement, Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC), which initiated the first impeachment proceedings against him in parliament.

In the midst of his party, the head of the opposition Duma Boko, who had tabled a motion of censure asking Masisi to be expelled from office, carried out impeachment procedures [19659008]. S addressing reporters this week in the capital Gaborone, Masisi confirmed that he was aware of the plot to oust him. He stated that this prompted him to convene a joint emergency meeting on 9 July attended by both the cabinet and the BDP Central Committee

"I am aware of these allegations" Masisi said. The allegations include, among other things, undermining Masisi with the intention of ousting him.

Masisi is said to be ready to defend his position as party and state president next year at the party's special convention to be held before the general election. 19659006] In posing questions to reporters, the president said, "Yes, I have heard of activities aimed at derailing and dislodging what we started in April. I decided to deal with that. "

By" what we started in April, "Masisi was referring to the day he rose to the presidency. According to Masisi, he has since confronted those involved in the plot to oust him, but they denied any involvement.

"I do not ask as a novice, I ask as a politician," he said. "But at the meeting we had this morning, they doubt that we are divided.They said to stick to our tradition (normally the president of the state, who is also the president of the BDP , is not disputed by his own colleagues for the party and the state presidency). "

in democratic ideals, he was not worried if the allegations of the & idé idé,,,,,,,,,,,,, ousting were likely to suggest that he was ready to take up the challenge.

According to media reports, the younger brother of former President Ian Khama, Tshekedi Khama, confirmed that he the following year, at the party's special convention, Masisi was facing pressure from Masisi.

Pressure has been exerted to overthrow Masisi in recent months, including the tax on alcohol and the Khama shutdown. Masisi also sacked some senior officials linked to the former president. It is understood that the camp of the BDP who intends to oust Masisi is the one who sympathizes with Khama

Masisi must also deal with the growing pressure of the opposition, which would be complicit with A plan developed to oust it by various means.

In tabling his motion, Boko urged Parliament to declare that he lost confidence in Masisi and the Botswana government. He called Masisi to resign within 14 days of the adoption of the motion by Parliament.

Boko argued that, since taking office, Masisi has, in his approach to national issues and key appointments in the public service, hijacked competent and qualified people on the basis of their regional and ethnic origins . [19659006] Boko also said that Masisi is involved in the scandal of the National Oil Fund in which millions of dollars were diverted from the fund, adding that the president failed to explain his role or to exonerate such allegations .

However, Masisi's ministers came to his defense. Contributing to the motion, Presidential Affairs Minister Nonofo Molefhi said Boko's motion had the potential to divide the nation. He added that Masisi did nothing wrong because he played no part in the misappropriation of the National Petroleum Fund's money.

Vice President Slumber Tsogwane accused Boko of not uniting the UDC, as evidenced by leaks from WhatsApp last week. to bring peace between your deputies who, in turn, has disconcerted you. For his part, Defense Minister Shaw Kgathi said: "It's a desperate motion, presented by a desperate man (Boko) who never sits in Parliament. He has the highest level of abstention in Parliament. The BDP is stable and fully supports President Masisi. "

Deputies rejected the motion with 11 members voting for the motion while 35 rejected and 3 abstained.



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