Mesut Ozil's agent meets Bayern President Uli Hoeness critcism | Football News


"Not only is he a shame for himself, but also and above all a shame for German football and the German people."

Last updated: 24/07/18 10:10

] Mesut Ozil's agent retaliated at the "crazy" Bayern Munich president, Uli Hoeness, claiming that his criticism of the former German international "has nothing to do with the soccer".

Ozil announced his retirement from international football After a series of abuses, he was photographed with Turkish President Recep Erdogan before the World Cup

The German Federation (DFB) rejected accusations of Ozil and called the winner of the 2014 World Cup for his lack of response. with Erdogan – who was accused of abusing human rights and restricting freedom of the press

Hamann: Ozil saga "leaves a bad taste"

Hoeness criticized the decision, calling Ozil "weak", adding that the 29-year-old "played dirt for

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However, Dr. Erkut Sogut, the agent of Ozil, ruled that Hoeness had badessed his player In a statement to Goal, he said: "The Mr Hoeness's comments completely miss, as they have absolutely nothing to do with football. It tries to distract attention from the real problem, that of racism and discrimination in Germany, which reappears in everyday German society. "19659008" As Mesut said in his statement, he accepts a fair and reasonable criticism However, Mr. Hoeness can not even provide any concrete evidence to back up his silly statements that are clearly exaggerated: in this case, the statistics are clear: twenty-three goals, 40 badists – which is a German record – and five-time German player of the year – three of which after 2014.

As the president of Bayern Munich is- it not better to focus on the performance of his own players saw eight of the German team plays for the club

Dr. Sogut, the agent of Ozil

"He claims that Mesut has been a "ghost" for years, but what "ghost" wins all these awards and has so much success? Mesut has created more chances in the 2018 World Cup by 90 minutes than n? any other player, but, of course, he singles it out for criticism. from Bayern Munich, it is not better to focus on the performance of its own players, as eight players from the German team play for the club.

"If Mesut is a bad player, what does it say about Joachim Low, Arsene Wenger and Jose Mourinho?" These are three elite leaders who praise Mesut as one. the best in his position.It is laughable that he thinks he is more qualified to judge football abilities than these people, with statistics fabricated. 19659008] "The facts speak for themselves. same and anyway, who is he talking about Mesut this way? These lies are cheap, stereotyped and unfounded comments – facts without foundation – that allow the wounded to spread.

"Mr. Hoeness, we will not waste any more time or energy talking about a subject you do not know about, is it a shame for itself, but most of all a shame for German football and the German people. "

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