Michelle Obama's memoirs: an inspiration for the family


Michelle obama

Michelle obama

One thing that surprises me about humans is that once they have power, they behave like a different species. They are no longer human beings, but extra ordinary creatures who leave the realm of normal beings. In one way or another, the clothes of power are impenetrable. That's why I see Michelle's autobiography. It has opened and has made the world aware that, after all, we are all human. The leaders and their spouses are not superhuman. They must not lie to us. They must not pretend that they have no problems. This is very important because our celebrities die quietly; a slow, painful, agonizing death. Because they are idolaters, they lose their sense of normality.

It is therefore not surprising that Michelle's book is an instant hit. In the first week, the book "Becoming" sold more than 1.4 million copies in the first week. It's not only a bestseller in the United States, but also in Europe and Scandinavia: in the UK, he won the first non-fiction adult spot, according to publisher Penguin Random House . After five editions of the hardcover edition, Canada and the United States alone will get 3 million additional copies.

Another publisher, Barnes and Noble, announced that "Becoming" had allowed them "to achieve the largest sales of the first week of any book this year." In short, this book sells exceptionally well online or in bookstores. And it's already on our shores. I saw it last week while pbading in front of my favorite store, Exclusive Books at Johannesburg OR Tambo Airport.

Michelle is also touring Europe to promote the book. The tickets for his appearances are already exhausted. This is a very important development. This is a clear demonstration that only, as a woman and mother, Michelle is smart. It does not depend on President Obama. She is not a simple housewife. She's a full-fledged intellectual, a brilliant lawyer. Once, I became aware of an badertion that Barack told her, "If I did not marry you, you would not be a first lady today." She reportedly replied, "I would have made my husband president."

They say that men fear powerful women. Certainly, Barack is not part of it and I am not. Society needs strong women, capable of good counselors and helpers. The Bible says that a woman is a helper. Over the years, Michelle has provided such help to President Obama in a very difficult time. The right-wing republics opposed him from day one and tormented him throughout his presidency. Michelle was with him all day long, watching over their two young girls.

Among the many issues discussed in the book, the personal details of Obama's romance and their health issues touched my heart. Michelle is frank about it. They were going up and down. She had shocks to her body, like many women around the world. She thought that she was healthy and fertile but had been shocked by a miscarriage. She had to resort to science to conceive and have her children. She had to discuss and discuss with her husband about some of the issues in life and had to seek advice from her man. They always seek advice if they deem it necessary. They had to do it until their marriage became "phenomenal," as Michelle describes it today. Most so-called celebrities can not handle these problems. They prefer to pretend that everything is normal or at most to hide or ask for help secretly without admitting the problem, as Naomi Campbell had done many years ago. Some celebrities find refuge in drugs. The list is long but I think immediately to Brenda Fbadie, Michael Jackson and Witney Houston. Most celebrities leave a lie. They shine in public and creak in private. They do not live their lives. The thing with life is that what you desire is what a person has achieved. What you have achieved, a person wants it. For example, your dream may be to become rich. The rich have money but do not have the good health that you have. We just need to be open to each other. Your moth is the gateway to your help. There is no point in acquiring huge wealth that you can not use while hundreds, if not millions, of people around the world can help you. For example, when I learned that the billionaire founder of Microsoft had died recently, at the age of 65, I thought, "If only he knew Jesus. There are many servants of God who could help him, only in the United States. Or he could have come to Africa to consult the prophet TB Joshua '. Even in Botswana, he could have sought the help of the prophet Karabo Seelo in Matebeleng or his father, the prophet Cedrick in Kopong. I know that many of you disagree with me, but for me, it is some of God's servants that I hold in high esteem. I saw them at work. And there are many others who are also anointed. Everyone has to look for what works for him.

All in all, Michelle's book is the breath of fresh air the world needs. We need human leaders. We need leaders who are role models. We need leaders who can give us hope and show us that the problems are temporary: they can be solved. There is no need to seek refuge in drugs. "Building a wedding is hard work," as Michelle says in the book. We need strong families. Strong families produce strong children and strong children build a strong nation. Strong nations give us a better world. And that's the plan of God. God bless Michelle!

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