Ni No Kuni: The Curse of the White Queen Receives a New Version – GAMEtainment


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In the period before E3, information from the house, Bandai Namco, was leaked, including the reference to a remastered Ni No Kuni: The Curse of the White Queen. The first details are already available.

The level 5 clbadic is said to come back with improved graphics and improved performance: players can return to the world of Ni no Kuni: The White Witch's Anger and join Oliver in an adventure in a world of new friends and wild enemies, hoping to bring back his mother after a tragic incident. With a copy of the Wizard's Companion in his hand and his faithful companion Drippy by his side, he will travel to the fantastic and sprawling world to tame the confidants, confront the enemies and master the innumerable challenges that stand between him and the rescue of his mother. ,

Ni No Kuni's remasterer: The Curse of the White Queen should appear this fall on PS4 and Switch.

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