Omang offices extend opening hours



In order to achieve the production goal of 3000 national identity cards (omang) per day, the National Registration Department has extended its hours Opening from 18 July to the last day of August 2018.

Instead of closing at 16:30, during the work week from Monday to Friday, the Omang offices will close at 18:30 and open. Saturday from 08:00 to 16:00 19659004] This, according to the permanent secretary at the ministry – Temba Mmusi, is to encourage the public to renew their identity cards.

The extension of the hours is one of the efforts made by the new Minister, Dorcas Makgato who is on a dynamic mission to ensure that all eligible voters have a card. Identity in good standing when registering for general elections next year in September.

"This will allow the Ministry to clear the backlog by August 31, 2018 in preparation Makgato recently declared in Parliament

that Makgato's Ministry has already recruited additional officers and more than 200 trainees to help prepare for the general election. process, through an awareness program.

The nation is expected to hold its next general election in October 2019.

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