Opposition leaders welcome Masisi's efforts


Opposition political leaders praised President Mokgweetsi Masisi following a meeting of the multiparty conference that he organized at the President's office (OP)

Despite an earlier attempt Ndada Gaolathe of the Alliance for Progress (AP) said that Masisi deserves credit for reviving the all-party conference that was dormant since the beginning of the conference. "As I have already indicated, the President deserves to be congratulated for this and we congratulated him for bringing Botswana back to normalcy, bringing it where it should have been. It's been 10 years since it's a welcome evolution for the President to create a platform where political leaders can engage in a dialogue on issues of national interest.So my impression is positive and it's a good thing. is a journey that, I hope, will be significant, "Gaolathe said.

Speaking of the lack of confidence in Masisi that was voiced on Tuesday by the opposition leader in parliament, Douma Boko, Golathe party of the motion. He said that Boko's views were not necessarily representative of all the opposition parties.

"You have to distinguish between the motion itself, asking the President to resign and an attack on the governance system in Botswana, we still have significant reservations about how Botswana is run as a country and we continue to believe that we can still do a lot as a country to transform the lives of ordinary citizens, that's a fact, "Gaolatlhe explained before adding. "When we talk about the motion and the timing, we feel that our MPs have not had enough time to discuss it or develop a strategy on it. That is why it was difficult for opposition members in Parliament to speak with one voice that was aimed at the Leader of the Opposition, but in terms of merits regarding certain issues, not all around the system that is broken, a system that has a lot of room for improvement, the arguments are valid. As badistants, we could not rally to the motion because we did not have enough time to defuse the issues. "

Nevertheless, Ndaba is of the opinion that Masisi, like any leader who is new to a system deserves the benefit of
" I do not think it is a question of President Masisi, but rather of Any leader, whether in politics, in the private sector or in any other structure that deserves his chance. are and then you make a judgment. But as far as the situation as a whole is concerned, we agree that Botswana is far behind its image and that we need transformation and not just standardization. We need a new leader because Masisi has been in the system and we know his character, but in a democracy, a new leader is appointed by an election. "

The leader of the Botswana Movement for Democracy (BMD), Sidney Pilane, he also appreciated the efforts of Masisi

" He found a country that was closed by his predecessor, he seems to reopen it; to reopen our country to all and to businesses Botswana must return to Botswana as we know it 10 years ago Pilane added:

Regarding the lack of confidence expressed in Boko's parliamentary motion, Pilane said : "Yes, we lack confidence in us, the BDP government.We think the BDP government has destroyed our country, we think that it has lost contact with Botswana and the change is late and we have to bring this change in 2019 but for now we have to give them respect, space and an opportunity for them. "

Pilane argued that the motion was not about President Masisi personally, but about the Government of the BDP [19659002] At the meeting of the Party Conference, Masisi promised to set up a committee that will meet periodically. Meeting to discuss issues of national interest and for this Pilane opined that, "the committee is a great idea, but it must bring tangible results.As opposition, we must know that the BDP is in power and that a multi-party conference should not turn into a place of freedom but a forum for productive and effective dialogue, while Gaontebale Mokgosi of Real Alternative Party (RAP) said that the committee will be a crucial platform "for deliberation on basic national issues and therefore we find that it is very important that it is not segregative, it is for all the world. We hope so much that it will bear fruit by taking into account the suggestions and ideas of the other political parties as to the fact that they are not in power. "

The Minister of Presidential Affairs, Nonofo Molefhi, should write letters to all political parties in the country to nominate representatives to the proposed committee.

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