Publishers condemn newspaper seizure in Sudan


African publishers condemned the confiscation of newspapers in Sudan.

In a press release, the African Publishers Forum (TAEF) on Tuesday condemned the Security Services (NISS) for seizing three full copies of the newspaper Al-Jareeda

"TAEF calls on the Sudanese government to stop immediately, the arbitrary confiscation of newspapers and the intimidation of journalists, "read the statement.

The Sudanese government banned the newspaper after reporting and taking pictures of people queuing for bread and public transport as well as motorists lining up for fuel

. confiscated at the printing house in order to ensure that the publication does not reach the readers.

"The deplorable action of the NISS is intended to intimidate the media and deny the Sudanese public The editors in chief of Africa said that they stood with all the journalists, the editors and publishers in Sudan and urged them to work without fear of intimidation on the part of journalists.

They accused the NISS of being responsible for the media crackdown that led to detention without trial of at least eight journalists and the confiscation of Al-Jareeda and Al-Midan newspapers.

"TAEF reiterates its deep solidarity with, and will continue to support Sudanese journalists continue to work in difficult conditions, "the statement said.

Recently, journalists have protested against the proposed new laws designed to strengthen media freedom in Sudan.

The editors in chief called on the government of Sudan to repeal the bill and dismantle the National Council of Press and Publications.

Among other things, the bill would allow the Sudanese Press Council to ban the publication of a newspaper for 15 days without a court order.

The editors also want the African Union to put pressure on Sudan and other African governments that are hostile to media freedom.

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