Ramaphosa: "I told President Putin that the nuclear deal was stopped – for the moment"


Johannesburg – President Cyril Ramaphosa broke his silence on the United States and China and promised that the United States would not dictate "who should be our friends". He also confirmed that a Russian nuclear agreement was not on the cards.

Ramaphosa addressed the media after the 10th BRICS summit at the Sandton Convention Center in Johannesburg yesterday

He made his comments after a question about his relationship with China and its eventual disposition of the United States [19659003]. We are countries that safeguard our sovereignty. We choose who we want to be badociated with. We respect the sovereignty and independence of everyone. "We chose to be part of the BRICS because this relationship is based on principles of solidarity, working together for the mutual benefit of each one of us".

19659002] It became clear that the summit had strengthened South Africa's relations with China. Ramaphosa praised the country for its commitment to help develop skills and help "mitigate the risks and seize the opportunities of the fourth industrial revolution."

"China's relations with Africa South are mutually beneficial. He said the Brics countries were in agreement to support the centrality of the UN and the Security Council as well as the World Trade Organization, and to make sure that all countries continue to practice multilateralism.

Ramaphosa admitted that the nuclear deal was part of his talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, but he was adamant about the fact that South Africa was not ready for that. "Not now, maybe later," he said.

"We have enormous financial constraints and we are not ready for a nuclear deal, and there was no agenda hidden in our discussions with President Putin. [19659002"Iexplainedtohimoursituationandtoldhimthatwewantedtofocusonrenewableenergy"hesaid

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