Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused of using Mesa Ozil Saga to push the offer of Turkey 2024 Euro


German politicians on Wednesday accused Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of using Mesut Ozil 's controversial international football retreat to revive Turkey' s candidacy for the Euro 2024 – and weaken the government. Germany. On Sunday, Ozil, 29, launched a bomb by announcing that he would no longer play for Germany and accused Reinhard Grindel, the president of the German Federation (DFB), of racism. On Monday, Erdogan backed Ozil's position, but high-level voices in Berlin accused the Turkish leader of trying to undermine Germany's bid for the Euro finals. 2024.

Erdogan intervenes in the debate over Ozil's decision to trust other UEFA member federations, according to Wolfgang Bosbach, former member of CDU party Angela Merkel. this really a coincidence? "

Germany and Turkey are the only candidate nations to host the European Championships in six years with a decision expected on Sept. 27 by UEFA. [19659003] Paul Ziemiak, top ranking of Germany "No matter how one stands in the picture of Ozil and Ilkay Gundogan and the current debate: President Erdogan should stop interfering in Germany, "he told Bild.

" Two Hearts "

The two stars of Arsenal Ozil and Mancheste r City Gundogan found themselves at the center of a political storm in May when they met Erdogan in London, all the more so as Gundogan presented him with a football jersey of the city was signed "to my president".

Footballers' loyalty to Germany has been questioned by German fans at friendly World Cup matches. Russia when former holders came out after the group stage.

Gundogan insists that the meeting with Erdogan in May was not politically motivated, but Ozil only broke his two-month silence by turning his back on his international career. 23 goals and 40 badists.

In a three-part statement posted on Twitter and Instagram, Ozil lamented the lack of support from the head of the DFB, Grindel: "I have two hearts, a German and a Turk."

"To Grindel and his followers, I'm German when you win, but I'm an immigrant when you lose."

The DFB refutes the allegations of racism, but Erdogan praises Ozil, born in Gelsenkirchen in Turkish

"His attitude in the statement is completely patriotic, it is an absolutely commendable behavior," said the Turkish leader .

Meanwhile, the pressure is mounting on Grindel, who is currently on vacation, to resign from Ozil. fiasco

"Grindel, in his The resort should look at himself and criticize himself if he still has the necessary authority for the presidential office – or is actually posing a threat to him. Euro application (2024), "said Bild, the best-selling German newspaper, in a comment.

"Even if he thinks it is unfair, the DFB would be in favor of a resignation, and yet it would be a worthy resignation."

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