Retirement of Mesut Ozil Germany: Joachim Low was not informed of the decision of the star of Arsenal


Arsenal midfielder called his time with the national team, citing "racism and disrespect" for his decision

German manager Joachim Low was not aware of the international retirement of Mesut Ozil before the announcement of the Arsenal midfielder. In the final of three statements posted on Twitter, Ozil said that he was retiring from Germany because of "racism and disrespect" after leaving his group in World Cup in Russia. treated by the German Football Association makes him "no longer want to wear the jersey of the German national team".


However, Low, the German manager despite his humiliating, was not informed of Ozil's decision before his tweets

"Neither the national coach nor myself We have been warned, "Harun Arslan

Ozil's retirement caused a storm in Germany, Bayern Munich's president, Uli Hoeness, claiming that he was" sh * t for years. "

"He won for the last time before the 2014 World Cup. And now he is hiding behind this picture," he adds to Sport Bild

"Whenever [Bayern] played against Arsenal we were playing on him because we knew that it was their weak point. "

Ozil's agent published a staggering response to Hoeness, however, labeling him" stupid "and" stupid ".

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Dr. Erkut Sogut spoke exclusively to Objective said: "The comments of Mr. Hoeness completely miss the point because they n & # They have absolutely nothing to do with It tries to divert attention from the real problem, that of racism and discrimination in Germany, which reappears once again in everyday German society. "19659003" As the said Mesut in his statement, he accepts fair and reasonable criticism of his football and discusses it in the course of the work, but Hoenson can not even provide real evidence to support his stupid statements which are clearly exaggerated.

"In this case, the statistics are clear: twenty-three goals, 40 badists – which is a German record – and five German player of the year, including three after 2014."

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