Rwanda: Mozambican President begins a three-day state visit to Rwanda


By Collins Mwai

Mozambique's president, Filipe Nyusi, arrived in the country on Thursday, marking the first of three high-profile arrivals expected in the country in the coming week.

The other two expected as Chinese President Xi Jinping and India's Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, confirmed the Chinese government at a banquet organized in the honor of President Nyusi and from his delegation, Kagame said the two countries share a responsibility and a common vision. continue the struggle for prosperity, security and dignity of their citizens.

"Rwanda and Mozambique have a similar liberation trajectory, as well as a common vision of African integration." Our countries have gained the freedom to chart their own way. President Kagame said: [TRADUCTION] "Our responsibility has been to continue the struggle for the prosperity, security and dignity of our citizens. "The president, who is also the president of the African Union, said that among the ways to maintain the gains, there was improvement in the effectiveness of the body of the African Union. African Union. "There is no better way to continue our liberation journey than to combine our respective strengths and capabilities and transform the lives of our people," said President Kagame. Nyusi, who will be in the country for a three-day state visit, was received at the Kigali International Airport by President Paul Kagame

. President Nyusi urged the private sector of both countries to be part of the cooperation by taking advantage of close ties.

He noted several avenues of cooperation and cooperation, integration through intra-African trade that , he said, will bring citizens closer and increase opportunities for

Nyusi began his visit with a visit to the Special Economic Zone.

On Friday, the head of state should visit the Kigali Genocide Memorial and the KLab Technological Incubation Center

President Nyusi will also visit the Corniche's one-stop border post in Rubavu and the King's Palace Museum in Nyanza

. and diplomatic consultations; agriculture, livestock and fisheries; public administration; tourism;

On Wednesday and Thursday of this week was held in Kigali the first Joint Permanent Commission of Cooperation (CCPJ) between Rwanda and Mozambique.

The two-day session was held by senior diplomatic officials of

Aspects of cooperation under discussion included agriculture and the fact that Rwandair began serving the country of 39, Southern Africa.

Other planned state visits

President Xi will arrive on Sunday, July 22nd and will leave the next day, while Modi is expected to be in the country from Monday, July 23rd to July 24th.

According to a statement by the spokesman of the Government Office, the visits should strengthen ties between Rwanda and the three nations. 19659015] "These important events will serve to celebrate and deepen the close ties that exist between Rwanda and these three friendly nations," reads part of the statement. I will also be accompanied by a large delegation from the private sector. The expansion of trade and investment will therefore be a particular objective, particularly in the areas of infrastructure, mining, agriculture and information technology, "he adds.


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