Sadc boss expected for a 3 day visit


The herald

Herald Reporter
SADC Executive Secretary Dr Stergomena Lawrence Tax is expected tomorrow in Zimbabwe for a three-day working visit during which she will meet with representatives of regional bodies based in the country.

In a statement, the Botswana-based public relations group of the SADC secretariat said Dr. Tax should attend a second graduation ceremony of the Cooperation Organization of Regional Chiefs of Police. Southern Africa.

"The Executive Secretary of the Southern African Development Community, His Excellency Dr. Stergomena Lawrence Tax, will be visiting Zimbabwe on November 28 and 30, 2018," he said.

"Among other commitments, His Excellency Dr. Tax is expected to participate in the second graduation ceremony of the Southern African Regional Chiefs of Police Cooperation Organization (SARPCCO) Center of Excellence. meet with the management of the SADC Regional Peace Training Center in Harare on November 29, 2018..

"On November 30, 2018, the Executive Secretary of SADC will travel to the Interpol Regional Office where she will be greeted by Mr. Mubita Nawa, Head of the Office. Dr Tax will be informed of the office operations and will conduct a guided tour of the building before contacting the management of the Interpol Regional Office.

"The Executive Secretary is accompanied in his mission by the director of the body responsible for politics, defense and security at the SADC Secretariat, Mr. Jorge Cardoso, and the legal counsel of Mr. Phineas Matto as well as by other members of the secretariat staff. "

Zimbabwe, represented by President Mnangagwa, was elected Vice-President of the influential Sadc body for Politics, Defense and Security in August this year, at the 38th Summit of Heads of State. State and government regional bloc held in Namibia.

It is an important marker of President Mnangagwa's crusade to end Zimbabwe's international isolation and make the nation a significant contributor to the international scene.

President Mnangagwa replaces Zambian President Edgar Lungu, who took over from the presidency of Angolan President Joao Manuel Lourenço's body.

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