South Africa ranks among war-torn countries


CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA – MARCH 14: Police Minister Bheki Cele interacts with community members during her visit to the Philippi Police Station on March 14, 2018 in Cape Town , South Africa. Cele encouraged the police to work hand-in-hand with residents to fight crime.

South Africa records a dismal score on the latest Gallup Law and Order report, wedged between Liberia and Mexico at the bottom of the global security index.

The Global Law and Order Index is a survey conducted each year to check the safety of citizens in their home country. The international survey gathers information from 148,000 adults in 142 countries

Index Law and Order: Questions Asked

The fundamental method used to calculate "safety" is articulated around the following: a simple question-answer. The questions are:

  • In the city or region where you live, do you trust the local police?
  • Do you feel safe walking alone at night in the city or region where you live? In the past 12 months, did you receive money or stolen property from you or another household member?
  • In the past 12 months, have you been badaulted or badaulted? The country is considered "dangerous", which can be a revelation for some, it is how dangerous the country is and how much the forces of the order are not trustworthy.

    More than two in three people Worldwide, they say they trust their local police (69%) and feel safe when they walk alone at night (68%).

    Security in South Africa

    At the bottom of the scale, South Africa remains uncomfortably in sixth place, among countries like Afghanistan, South Sudan and Liberia; According to data published by Gallup, only 31% of South Africans feel safe walking alone at night in their community.

    Only 60% of South Africans have confidence in the police force responsible for maintaining law and order.

    South Africa gets a total of 58 (out of 100) on the safety index. The only countries where residents feel less safe are:

    • Liberia – 56
    • Gabon – 55
    • South Sudan – 54
    • Afghanistan – 45
    • Venezuela – 44

    Countries The safest in the world

    While South Africa lies at the bottom of the pile with other African countries and some South American states, let 's take a look at the world' s. opposite end of the spectrum; the safest countries in the world:

    • Singapore – 97
    • Norway – 93
    • Iceland – 93
    • Finland – 93
    • Hong Kong – 91

    Gallup comments on the presence of Africans and Latins The American countries at the bottom of the scale say:

    "Of the 10 countries in which residents are least likely to feel safe walking alone at night, five are in America Latin. Four others are in sub-Saharan Africa – including two of the most developed countries in the region, South Africa (31%) and Botswana (34%). "

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