South Africa: "We carry fear like a second skin" – Women leading the #totalshutdown protests


"It's enough, we take control."

It was the message of women and nonconformists (GNC) on Thursday as they prepared to launch mbad protests against gender-based violence around the world.

The event is expected to take place on August 1 under the hashtag #TheTotalShutdown

Lesotho and Botswana should also be part of the mbad closure and men are encouraged to support the movement by staying away from work .


Brenda Madumise, of the movement, said that they were calling for a closure to "take control of their destiny".

"Enough, we take control, so we designed this cause for ourselves in order to close the country."

Madumise added that there was nothing "special" to receive happy Mother's Day messages when the women around us the country suffers red from gender-based violence.

"What is happy about women's month when our sisters, our aunts, our mothers, our daughters are raped and killed [in] the workplace.What is it happy about?"

Patience Mpani, of the Center for Human Rights of the University of Pretoria, said that she fully supported all women participating in the march

Living in Fear [19659012] "We say we have enough, we die every day and we [cannot] continue to live like this." Women die every day, "said Mpani.

Mpani said that women in the country lived in constant fear.

"We carry fear like a second skin and we can not go on living like that. "

The Federation of South African Trade Unions (Fedusa) and the South African Federation of Trade Unions (Saftu) also pledged their support for the national closure.

Saftu's Nontembeko Luzipo Justice Authorities and police have failed women.

It's time to hear the voices

"When they go and report these cases … most of the time the abuser will be on the street . They are doing something today. They are free and released on bail tomorrow. "

Luzipo called on the government to act and" to hear the voices. "

Elray David of Fedusa added," There is not a place where a woman can go where you really feel sure. We live in fear. Fear robs you of being truly free, but also as a warning, fear breeds anger. "

David said that the march was not political, but the women stood up and said," We had enough. "are tired of attending funerals when we should attend weddings.It is important that we do not monitor women anymore."

Source: News24

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