Spoilers: VR Vader Game Teases Snoke Returns


Supreme Leader Snoke was cut in half Star Wars: The Last Jedibut that does not mean that we have seen the last of him. In a recently revealed scene from the new video game Oculus Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series, the supreme guide apparently appears alongside Darth Vader and, of course, the fans have begun to speculate on what this could mean. Although the appearance of Snoke in the virtual reality game may mean anything (or nothing), a new exciting theory postulates that Snoke will appear in flashbacks in Star Wars: The rise of Skywalker.

In the cinematic, a ghostly character hears Vader say: "Revenge is within your reach," which sounds suspiciously like Snoke telling General Hux in the force awakens. The video game scene reminds us that while the supreme leader is clearly a "corrupt force of evil," we do not know much about his rise to power or his past. While redditor u / JediH24 posted the deleted scene and drew attention to Snoke's presence, it's u / A_Mbadive_Mistake that theorizes that Snoke might appear in The rise of Skywalker, but only during flashbacks.

A_Mbadive_Mistake writes:

"And if in episode 9, we see a flashback of Luke confronting Snoke AFTER the fall of the Jedi temple. He realized that Snoke is not a user of benevolent strength, but rather a corruptive force of evil. "

The idea is that Luke realizes that Snoke is an evil and that he must be defeated, which will lead to an epic battle between the two. The only reason Luke does not kill Snoke at this point is that Kylo Ren intervenes to save his Sith master.

This theory would certainly help explain some of Snoke's story in the Star Wars franchise. How did Snoke get all those scars? Was it a battle with Luke? These questions could be answered during a potential backtracking, and the Vader Immortal The scene only seems to confirm that the Supreme Leader has been around longer than we thought.

There is obviously more to tell about Snoke, and even his death does not mean his bow is over. After all, he has influenced Kylo for years and yet we have never seen so much of this relationship aside from a few brief scenes of Last jedi.

There is also the fact that Kylo thinks he's talking with Vader's helmet, which might have been preserved by Snoke. In addition, Kylo saving Snoke from Luke's lightsaber could have pleased the future leader of the First Order. It is perhaps here that Kylo's relationship with the Dark Side really began and flourished only under Snoke's direction (although other theories suggest that Kylo was influenced by Palpatine).

Star Wars rises from skywalker
Supreme Guide Snoke

With the addition of the Vader Immortal In the video game scene, Snoke's collaborative efforts with Vader would go a long way towards explaining how he finally took the helm of the First Order. When did he meet Darth Vader? How did they start working together? Did Snoke attract Kylo because of his relationship with Vader? There are many questions, but no definitive answers. Episode IX could solve this problem.

Given these images, there is a good chance that this theory will materialize. After all, the Star Wars franchise likes to develop character stories, as was the case with Darth Vader, Palpatine and even Han Solo. This may seem exaggerated, but given Snoke's impact on Kylo and the First Order, the idea that he appears in a flashback is not out of reach of the possibilities for Star Wars: The rise of Skywalker.

Star Wars: The rise of Skywalker in theaters December 20, 2019.

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