Steve Jobs talks about the success of the iPad: the most successful consumer product of all time


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Steve Jobs started talking to the crowd about the iPad 2.

"Today we are here to talk about Apple's third flagship product, post-PC. This is how we think about these things. We started with the iPod and then we added the iPhone and then the iPad. Everyone was a blockbuster, "he said.

"When we said that the iPad was magic, people made fun of us. But that turned out to be magical. And people were wondering if it was an "incredible" price. Ask our competitors. "

Noting that the iPad has a market share of over 90% and generated $ 9.5 billion in the first nine months of 2010, the iPad is Apple's biggest product to date , and maybe even the best-selling consumer product.

"We have never seen a product start so fast," Jobs said.

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