Austin Karonga • July 15, 2018 9:22 • 0 comments
HARARE – Herentals is ready for another badignment against the giants of Bulawayo, the Highlanders, at a meeting of Castle Premier Soccer League this afternoon at Baburfields Stadium. [19659003Portéparlavictoire1-0duweek-enddernierfaceàuneéquipedeNgeziPlatinumdequalitéauNationalSportsStadiumetladéfaitedeBossofaceauxBlackRhinosdel'arméeHerentalspensequ'They'agitd'unemissionquivautlapeined'êtrevaincueBenzalefilsdumilieudeterrainetpropriétairedeHerentalsInnocentamarquélequatrièmebutconsécutifdeNgezileweek-enddernier
L & # 39; s head coach Herentals, Kumbirai Mutiwekuziva, however cautious. and maybe get out of this mission with notes in the positive.
"This is another match, a different match against a big club with a good coach in Madinda Nd. I love you; a team that is doing well in the first half of the season, a team that is also doing well with a large pool of fans in BF
"We are waiting for a very difficult game but we are preparing for" We work hard, we know we can win any match if we we are preparing well. "
"We are very motivated by the result of the weekend after defeating Ngezi, one of the best teams in the Premiership at the moment."
"So we have some confidence in ourselves and in same time with better motivation after the results of the weekend. "
" Considering we are coming from the PSL break, everyone is ready and they are very competitive for their place in the first 11 so that's okay to be interesting for us to play against the Highlanders at BF but it's the first time. Never played there before in a contest we are expecting a tough match, but we will fight for results like any other team.
"I would not want to say that they learn fast as such, but they are right there in terms of confidence levels and"
"The victory against Ngezi only adds their confidence and at the same time create a situation where they would also feel that they can defeat the Highlanders is ready for the game.This is a tight selection right now because everyone wants to play especially after the win against Ngezi. "
Today: CAPS United vs. Bulawayo Chiefs (NSS, ZTV), Highlanders vs. Herentals (Barbourfields), Shabanie Mine vs. Dynamos (Maglas)
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