The BDP faces the revolt in Francistown West


Internal quarrels have cooled the minds of aspiring parliamentary and council candidates in the constituency

Also, in the corner of the parliamentary and council candidates are their campaign directors and their teams who have vowed that the BDP should sweep the case. under the carpet, he can live to regret the decision.

Campaign teams vowed that they would severely punish the BDP by voting for the opposition in general elections scheduled for next year.

Some of the future candidates for parliament and council have pointed out that flouting the registration procedures and laws of the members could tear the BDP apart if the BDP honchos leaders treat the issue lightly.

They add that the recent loss of the BDP in the Moselewapula constituency in the Francistown West constituency was caused by similar problems that they are now raising.

"Our leaders have not taken into account our concerns in the past, we have lost Moselewapula.So they want to repeat what happened in Moselewapula, they should simply cross the arm and do nothing compared to what we raised in our letter

"We do not want the party to learn the hard way," We will mobilize our supporters to vote for it. opposition next year, "said one of the aspiring parliamentary candidates of the BDP

in a letter dated June 23, 2018 addressed to the political and electoral commission of the BDP. The PEEC Chair, entitled "Request for Verification of Voters Lists," the apparatchiks of the deterred party, claim that the registration laws of BDP members were flouted with impunity to favor certain potential candidates

. publication that the letter was faxed to the PEEC chair on Monday afternoon

Curiously, the letter was signed by the five potential candidates to the parliament and council of Francistown West, but did not have the signatures of MP Ignatius Moswaane and his group of future candidates for the council.

BDP officers accused the PEEC deployed in Francistown West, Shimane Senwelo, of failing to consider a thorough judicial audit. "

" … The reason we need a door-to-door audit on the voters lists is that when we pbad our problems to the PEEC deployed, it does not address our and we want us to appreciate the role of voters in its current status, but we think that it is doing something unconstitutional, "reads part of the letter

. The ghost recordings, say the wronged executives, are recorded without house numbers, identity cards and contacts

They postulate that only a thorough audit of the role of voters in all constitutions is recorded. The question of ghost recordings will be solved in the bud.

Another burning issue that the injured members want to deal with urgently is the problem of cross-border registration of members by secretaries or cell committees

. that some members are trafficked from other parts of the constituency to register in neighborhoods where they do not reside.

The dissatisfied group said that whenever it raised the problem with cell secretaries, the secretaries saw no problem in correcting the anomaly. but their efforts are still frustrated by the PEEC deployor who seems reluctant to address the issue.

"This verification problem is very important because it shows voters who should be struck off the voters board to ensure a free and fair vote," the letter said.

Disgruntled members of BDP also shout that some secretaries fraudulently register voters without their consent.

They are als. o is worried about the comfortable relationship between Senwelo and Moswaane.

They claim that Senwelo is still seen at Moswaane's house during the day and at odd hours at night.

The group also suspects that the multiple appointments of Moswaane and Senwelo are useless but manipulate the role of the voters in favor of Moswaane and his group of candidates so that they can prevail during the elections BDP primary in August.

Received to comment on the issues raised in the letter last Tuesday, Senwelo stated that he was unaware of any letter and saw no letters written by some unfortunate members of the BDP in Francistown West.

He stated that he was en route from Francistown to Gaborone to inform the PEEC hierarchy of his trip to Francistown

Senwelo stated that he was compelled by the BDP protocol to answer questions that were asked about the letter that this publication is in possession.

"Although I would have liked to answer your questions, the BDP's procedures do not allow me to answer your questions.

The good people who can answer you are the chairman of PEEC Gaotlhae tse Matlhabaphiri and PEEC Secretary General, Kabo Morwaeng

"I will give my conclusions to my superiors when I arrive in Gaborone."

"As I speak to you, my superiors do not have me. says that there was a letter that would have been sent to them by unhappy members of the BDP in the west of Francistown, "said Senwelo

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