The cattle population decreases by 2.15 million 1.74 million


  The cattle population decreases by 2.15 million 1.74 million
The cattle population decreases by 2.15 million 1.74 million

The country's cattle population decreased to 1.74 million in 2015 by 2.15 million in 2004 while the birth rate increased by 53.9 The 2015 agricultural census, the fourth of its kind since 1982, also shows that the death rate has dropped significantly from 11.9% at 6.3%. the rate went from 8.4% to 7.7%.

The first, second and third censuses of agriculture were conducted in 1982, 1993 and 2004 respectively. The 2015 agricultural census was part of the Botswana (SB) statistics through the Agricultural Statistics Unit (ASU) in conjunction with the Department of Agricultural Research, Statistics and Development. policies of the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security. General Statistician, Mr. Burton Mguni, the main purpose of the census is to provide calibration data on agricultural production indicators and other relevant statistics related to agriculture.

He added that these indicators and other relevant statistics are useful in the formulation "The number of cattle farmers in the traditional sector has decreased considerably, from 71,826 in 2004 to 37,753 in 2015, while in the trade sector, the number of participations has increased dramatically, from 695 in 2004 to 1,301 in 2015, "reads The Census indicated that all cattle holdings declined considerably, going from from 72,521 in 2004 to 39,054 in 2015, while the majority constituting about 78% of the cattle herd is conserved in the traditional sector.

showed that there is potential to improve the performance of the cattle. In addition, it was reported that the birth rate was between 50 and 60% and was the highest in 2007 and the lowest in 2008.

"As of 2011, the birth rate gradually from 55.0% to 48.8% in 2014. Over the last five years, the sampling and mortality rates have remained below 10%, except in 2013 and 2014 where the mortality rate has dropped from 10% % to 12.9%. and 12.4% respectively.

"However, the mortality rate fell below 10% in 2015, from 11.9% in 2004 to 6.3% in 2015," according to statistics.

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