The Department of Immigration makes VISA visa applications flexible


Speaking at a press conference Tuesday at the ministry's meeting room, Makgato said he identified obstacles to delays in issuing VISA as well as in work permits and of residence

. embbady processing where people can apply for visas in their country instead of going back and forth to the country, saving them time and money.

For tourists, Makgato says that VISA will be issued at the port. Kasane and all other border posts near national parks are allowed to grant VISA upon arrival to tourists who were traveling to Botswana as a tourist group for day trips.

"We will also allow group applications as opposed to individual applications, for example, we will allow the family to apply with all members, while each family member should fill out an application form. also to visitors to have up to 90 days of VISA instead of 30 days of practice, which is a disadvantage for others.We want to reduce the queues in our offices, "

at -she says.

Makgato added that he would automatically grant VISA to applicants who obtained a work and resident permit instead of granting a person one or two of those who constituted a lengthy process and inconvenienced persons .

should apply for each of these permits where some people eventually take their business elsewhere because of the lengthy procedure.

She added that she would give VISA to family members, especially to parents of foreign businessmen who help boost the country's economy.

The liquidation period of investors would also go from 30 days to six months period when they may be able to settle their affairs before returning to their respective countries.

Makgato added that his ministry also sought to give foreigners staying in the country a residence permit for more than 10 years.

However, she said that all legal processes would be followed to limit criminal acts, as some people might try to abuse the new regulations

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