The Fiji Times "Samoa survives the dread in Heidelberg; Confirms Rogers Cup placement in 2019


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85 | 0,0011 | activated | not cached | 1628 | singletables | SELECT ID, postname, post_parent, posttype
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AND post_type IN (& # 39; page & # 39; attachment & # 39;)
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93 | 0,0012 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = & # 39; can_compress_scripts & # 39; LIMIT 1
94 | 0,0011 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT p.ID FROM wp_posts AS p WHERE p.post_date & # 39; 2018-07-17 03: 20: 32 & # 39; AND p.post_type = & post; AND p.post_status = & # 39; publish & # 39; ORDER BY p.post_date ASC LIMIT 1
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98 | 0,0011 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT t. *, Tt. * FROM wp_terms AS INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id OERE tt.taxonomy IN (& # 39; nav_menu & # 39;) AND t.slug = & # 39; primary navigation & # 39; LIMIT 1
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104 | 0,001 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE ID = 2261 LIMIT 1
105 | 0,0011 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT t.term_id, tt.parent, tt.count, tt.taxonomy FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships ACCORDING to tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id OERE tt.taxonomy IN ( & # 39;) & tr.object_id IN (93850) ORDER BY t.AS name
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107 | 0,0017 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT wp_posts. * FROM wp_posts OERE 1 = 1 AND wp_posts.ID IN (2280,2281,2282,2287,2288,2289,2290,2291,2292,2293,2294,2295,2296,2297,2298,2299,2300, 2304,2305 , 2306,2307,2308,2309,2310,2311,2312,2313,2317,2318,2320,2475,5980,5981,9725,14696,16181,29296,29297) and wp_posts.post_type = & # 39; nav_menu_item & # 39; AND ((wp_posts.post_status = & # 39;))) ORDER BY wp_posts.menu_order ASC
108 | 0,0012 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT * FROM wp_users WH O = = 142 & # 39;
109 | 0,001 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT user_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM wp_usermeta WHERE userid IN (142) ORDER BY umeta_id ASC
110 | 0,001 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT t. *, Tt. * FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt t.term_id = tt.term_id OERE tt.taxonomy IN (& # 39;) & IN (& # 39; Local News & # 39;) LIMIT 1
111 | 0,0011 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT t. *, Tt. * FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id OERE tt.taxonomy IN (& # 39;) & # 39; AND t.slug IN (& # 39; sport)
112 | 0,0011 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT t. *, Tt. * FROM wp_terms AS INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id OERE tt.taxonomy IN (& # 39;) & t.term_id IN (18,19,20,43,44,170, ten )
113 | 0.0014 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT t. *, Tt. * FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id OERE tt.taxonomy IN (& # 39; category & # 39;) AND t.slug = & # 39; sport & # 39; LIMIT 1
114 | 0.2141 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT wp_posts.ID FROM wp_posts LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships ON (wp_posts.ID = wp_term_relationships.object_id) O WH 1 = 1 AND (
wp_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN (10,18,19,20,43,44,170)
) AND wp_posts.post_type = & post; AND ((wp_posts.post_status = publish) GROUP BY wp_posts.ID ORDER BY wp_posts.post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 5
115 | 0,0013 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT wp_posts. * FROM wp_posts O WH ID (93842,93815,93758,93749)
116 | 0,0019 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT t. *, Tt. *, Tr.object_id FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS ttt.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr ON trt_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id OERE tt.taxonomy IN (& # 39; category & # 39; , & # 39; post_tag & # 39;, & # 39; post_format & # 39;) AND tr.object_id IN (93749, 93758, 93815, 93842) ORDER BY t.AS name
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118 | 0,001 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT * FROM wp_users WHERE ID = & # 39; 22 & # 39;
119 | 0,001 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT user_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM wp_usermeta WHERE user_id IN (22) ORDER BY umeta_id ASC
120 | 0.0009 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT * FROM wp_users WHERE ID = & # 39; 85 & # 39;
121 | 0,001 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT user_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM wp_usermeta WHERE user_id IN (85) ORDER BY umeta_id ASC
122 | 0,001 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT wp_posts.ID FROM wp_posts WHERE 1 = 1 AND wp_posts.post_type = post & # 39; AND ((wp_posts.post_status = & # 39;) & nbsp;)) ORDER BY wp_posts.post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 5
123 | 0,0011 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT wp_posts. * FROM wp_posts O WH ID (93847,93838)
124 | 0,0016 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT t. *, Tt. *, Tr.object_id FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS ttt.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr ON trt_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id OERE tt.taxonomy IN (& # 39; category & # 39; , & # 39; post_tag & # 39;, & # 39; post_format & # 39;) AND tr.object_id IN (93838, 93847) ORDER BY t.AS name
125 | 0,001 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM wp_postmeta WH WH post_id IN (93838,93847) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
126 | 0.0014 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT t. *, Tt. *, Tr.object_id FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS ttt.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr ON trt_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id OERE tt.taxonomy IN (& # 39; category & # 39; , & # 39; post_tag & # 39;, & # 39; post_format & # 39;) AND tr.object_id IN (93920) ORDER BY t.AS name
127 | 0,001 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM wp_postmeta WH WH post_id IN (93920) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
128 | 0,001 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT * FROM wp_users O WH ID = & # 39; 93 & # 39;
129 | 0,001 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT user_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM wp_usermeta WHERE user_id IN (93) ORDER BY umeta_id ASC
130 | 0,001 | disabled (change request) | not cached | 0 | | SELECT wp_posts.ID FROM wp_posts WHERE 1 = 1 AND wp_posts.post_type = post & # 39; AND ((wp_posts.post_status = & # 39;) & nbsp;)) ORDER BY wp_posts.post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 5

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