The GC mayor expresses


  The mayor of the GC expresses

Beautiful, well spoken, dressed in fashion and fond of the good things of life, Kagiso Thutlwe seems at first glance better adapted to a career in showbiz instead

On December 5, 2014, Thutlwe went into history when, at the age of 30, he became the youngest mayor of Gaborone

. The member of the Botswana National Front (BNF) described his election as "God's call" and, with the enthusiasm of the youth, he implemented his vision of turning the capital into a place safer and cleaner

. re-elected in 2017 and it seemed that Gabs' golden boy could do nothing wrong.

However, Thutlwe's image of God has had a blow recently when he was charged with rape by another umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) badociated with a crime in 2016.

Francinah Baaitse -Mmana de The Voice met the mayor under fire to discuss his tenure until now and whether the rape allegation had ruined his legacy.

Q. [19659011] What are your priorities for the city?

My biggest challenge, which we turned into a priority when I occupied the mayor position in 2014, was to see the city embellished, in appearance pretty. [19659004] We are talking about your west bypbad, the cleanliness of the city in general, roads and electricity.

I do not think I could have done it alone.

I believe in the collective and I believe through the support of the clerk of the city, his officers and my advisers allowed us to do something meaningful in the city of Gaborone

Q. Are you satisfied with the current outlook for the city? Do you think that attracts visitors?

I would not say that I am absolutely happy, but at least something is being done and it brings smiles to the residents of the city of Gaborone.

19659020] Since you took control of the city council, how about being your biggest success?

My main achievement was the question of road infrastructure by road development – it was the biggest crisis. the roads had reached their timeline and we had to refurbish them

Not only that, but our greatest achievement was to ensure that the inner roads of our neighborhoods were all paved, either brick or tar [19659005]. As Gaborone West Phase 1, Mosekangwetsi to be precise, for a long period of time people walked from there to the rank of bus on an unpaved road, but as we speak, it was paved.

Maruapula you have paved roads nicely lit and nicely

You look at the west bypbad, decorative trees were planted, which gives it a nice appearance.

Our roundabouts are nice, especially on holidays, Christmas and Easter, they are decorated because we were able to get a partnership with the Botswana prisons that decorated them.

Potholes were also reduced on our main roads. Our CBD was a dark area, but today it is on.

Our intention is to always keep 80% of the illuminated city to fight crime.

Q. How did you solve the problems?

One of the things we do as leaders of the city, is that the supply team must offer young tenderers calls to fight against youth unemployment.

Out of 100 contracts given, 60 to 70 of them were awarded to young people

We gave them the financial means we have

Q. You had the Intention to create a foundation to help struggling students to continue their education, what has happened to him?

This is true. I think I did very well. We have not yet been able to launch it but we are trying

We help young people. You know that they are full of energy, some of them have been expelled from the university for example, but we have been able to ask them for funds so that they can return at school.

Some work and study part-time and we are

We may not be saying that we help students, but as the word of God says, when you give, leave the left hand do not see what the right hand gives.

Q. What about your promise to give motivational lectures in schools?

I have not done so yet. You know that the mayor's office is overwhelming, there are a lot of staff on my roadmap and I still have a year to complete my plans.

Q. After taking an HIV test in public in 2015, you were appointed to lead the mayors of southern Africa in the campaign as part of the 90-90-90 strategy. from the UN – how's it going?

This was a success and other mayors did better than me.

The cities of Tshwane, Pretoria in South Africa, Kampala in Uganda, Lusaka, Harare, Lilongwe, they did very well and I think I realized this strategy.

Even in Francistown, Mma Muzila is doing well

Q. Speaking of HIV, do not you think that the recent allegation of rape leveled against you has tarnished your achievements and ruined your advocacy efforts? ?

You have said allegations and I should categorically make it clear that I do not wi wi To comment on the allegation of rape – the reason is that the allegation remains exactly that one!

On top of that, let's give a good place to both parties, to myself and to the complainant.

I published a statement where I made it clear that my legal team advised me not to make any public comment on this issue, at least for the moment.

One thing you should know is that I can not make a judgment

Q. Nevertheless, the case has shaken the city and sent social media in turmoil. Has this not had a negative impact on your social status as a father of the city, considering that you are supposedly a defender of human rights protection?

That's why I called for calm. the city. I continue to say, I represent the voice of the voiceless

Q. This is not the first time that you have been involved in a controversy since taking office. In 2016, you were charged with driving while intoxicated and elected to have the case heard in camera –

I will say one thing, I have never elected for the case in camera, it should be

I have no power or authority to determine where my case should be held.

The Magistrate does what she considers good. I was legally represented and my lawyer told me that hearing the case in the chambers was a good thing with regard to peace management issues.

This was an agreement between my lawyer, the magistrate and the Attorney General's Chambers. ] Q. Why should the public send you back to council after the completion of two terms?

You judge people according to what they have accomplished. I have three or four things I want to do as mayor.

Have not I been successful? One of the things was to defend young people, I did marathon, tournaments, 5-a-side.

I did a lot of things, kasi to kasi, I did it. I managed to convince people to get tested for HIV

In terms of infrastructure, I improved the quality of the city.

The people of the city know what suits them best.

Q. Looking at the recent defections of the members of the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) in the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) in power, did you ] realistically believes that Duma Boko will take the UDC to victory in general elections next year?

Comrade Duma Boko has done well since 2010 when he took the lead of the BNF.

To bring together the parties that people never thought to meet, the Botswana National Front (BNF) and the Botswana Congress Party (BCP).

Now we have four parties under UDC, Botswana Movement for Democracy (BMD), Botswana Peoples Party (BPP), BNF and BCP.

They work together for I believe that Comrade President Boko will bring us to the promised land, which is not far off in 2019.

That two or three have left the CDU, it makes no difference . He is like our Moses!

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