The Munitenge Festival Calls Everyone to Bukalo


ALL ROUTES will drive to Bukalo this weekend, where thousands of people are expected at the 2018 Masubiya Cultural Festival, which will take place at the Royal Headquarters of Munitenge.

It is an annual event of the Masubiya tribe under the leadership of Kisco Liswani III in which they celebrate their cultural heritage, both in its intangible and tangible forms, and commemorate and pay tribute to their ancestral heroes and national

This year's theme is "Tuvahamwina, Tulivumbe", which The Namibian met with organizing committee chairman Bernard Kangumu yesterday who said the preparations are going well as they are busy with the last touches, and expect a lot of "

" We will have a very diverse gathering on Saturday in Bukalo, as people from all walks of life and all cultures will be present. Everyone is welcome to our festival, and we want to badure all those who plan to participate that their safety is guaranteed and that they should not worry.

This year, we want everyone to hear important messages from the leader and the government. Therefore, we will have speakers mounted almost everywhere so that those who will not get space on the place can hear the messages. "

The Cultural Festival is known for attracting personalities as speakers and President Hage Geingob addressed the people last year.This year, Vice President Nangolo Mbumba will be the guest speaker. ] Kangumu said that the list of VIP guests does not stop there since they expect six leaders, namely the Sikute chief of the Toka-Leya people in Zambia, the chief chef Inyambo Yeta The chief of Lozi in Zambia and Chief Moffat Nkonkwena Sinvula of the Vekuhane people in the Chobe district of Botswana, to mention only a few

Foreign and national officials will also be present.

These include the Deputy Secretary General of Lusaka Patriotic Front, Zambia, Mumbi Phiri, Senior Technical Advisor of Community-based Natural Resource Management Unit and Rodger Lubilo, Zool Ecosystem Project ogical-North Luanga from Frankfurt; Makotwani Musiwa, chairman of Sesheke City Council; and Mwandi City Council President Nchindo Lubinda in Zambia.

Kangumu also noted that the festivities will be full of good entertainment since the police group will be playing for the crowd this year, in addition to local artists who have been "

" We will also have a convoy running through the city and villages today and tomorrow. The first convoy will leave Ngoma and cross the villages, and tomorrow it will leave Katima Mulilo, towards Bukalo.

"Tomorrow, there will also be a mini-event at Katima Mulilo's open market to popularize the festival, with the police group entertaining the crowd," he said.

As part of the festival celebrations, youth games were held last weekend, which included football, netball and traditional sports.

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