The resignation of Özil causes recriminations through German politics | News from the world


Angela Merkel insisted that Germany was "a cosmopolitan country" and praised Mesut Özil's achievements for the national team after Arsenal's midfielder resigned from the United States. German national team for racism and disrespect. "Özil is a great footballer who has done a lot for the national football team," said a spokesman for the German chancellor on Monday, adding that the decision to resign from the player born in Gelsenkirchen "must be respected". 19659002] The declaration of combative resignation of the World Cup winner prompted some politicians to denounce it as an example of "failed integration" of migrants from Muslim cultures, while others warned that the acrimonious separation of German football sent a disastrous signal to the next generation of Germans with multiethnic origins

The third generation Turkish-German had been widely criticized in the race He participated in this summer's World Cup after posing for photos with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in London. His critics said that the brooding conflict had contributed to the poor performance of his team in Russia, and that the player, selected 92 times for Germany, explained

Mesut Özil leaves the game. German team for racism and raises mixed reactions.

But when Özil finally did it on Sunday, via a series of well orchestrated and carefully formulated comments on social media, he also targets some of his most outspoken critics.

Reinhard Grindel, president of the German Football Association DFB, in particular, is accused of making a scapegoat to a player from immigration for the collective failings of his badociation. "In the eyes of Grindel and his supporters, I'm German when we win, but I'm an immigrant when we lose," Özil said in a statement.

The German FA vehemently rejected accusations of racism: "The DFB's regrets the departure of Mesut Özil from the national team.However, this does not change the determination of the badociation to continue the Integration work successfully and with conviction. "

But the ruling body finds itself engulfed in a scandal just six weeks before Uefa decides on its hosting bid . 2024. Only competitor of Germany for the tournament? Turkey

While the fallout from Özil's resignation also has far-reaching political repercussions in Germany, it is not only because Grindel is a former deputy of the Christian Democratic Union's center – right Angela Merkel, but also because Merkel built the midfielder Arsenal Özil criticized Grindel for calling multiculturalism "a myth [and] a lie for life" in a parliamentary speech in 2004, while Merkel n & # He was not yet Chancellor. but already the head of his party.

During her 18 years at the top of the CDU, she has never sought to challenge her party's skeptical view of multiculturalism as an Anglo-Saxon approach dangerously left-facing the challenges of multi-ethnic societies . Despite her firm defense of Merkel's open borders, the Chancellor reiterated in 2015 her party's line that "multiculturalism leads to parallel societies, and therefore multiculturalism remains a great illusion"

. "In Özil, we also lose confidence in a progressive society," continues the text: "Its withdrawal is a fatal symbol in a time and a country where right-wing parties are more and more numerous."

Alice Weidel, co-head of the far-right Alternative für Deutschland, criticized Monday Özil as "a typical example of the failure of the integration of far too many immigrants from Turkish Muslim cultural circles." [19659002] Politicians closer to the center of the political spectrum said that Ozil's combative resignation statement had not yet fully explained. why he had agreed to take part in a photoshoot that amounted to a propaganda blow for a Turkish president preparing for re-election.

"Nobody with a sensible mind wants Mesut Özil to deny his heritage," said Paul Ziemiak. , the head of the youth organization of the CDU. "But to badert that a photo with Erdoğan – in the middle of the Turkish elections – was made without political intentions is naive."

Turkish politicians quickly approved the resignation of the footballer as a goal for their own camp, with sports minister Mehmet Kasapoğlu tweeting: "We support the honorable attitude of our brother Mesut Özil."

Cem Özdemir, a Green deputy of Turkish origin who is one of the most outspoken critics of the Erdoğan government, nevertheless said that the resignation of the footballer sent a disturbing message, adding: "It is fatal that the young Germans-Turks now have the impression that there is no place for them in the German national part. The strength lies in diversity, not homogeneity. That's how we won the World Cup in 2014 and France this year. "

Katarina Barley, Social Democrat Minister of Justice, said:" This is an alarming sign when a great German footballer like Mesut Özil is no longer wanted in his country because racism and does not feel represented by the DFB. "

Sawsan Chebli, Secretary of State of Palestinian Origin in the Berlin State Parliament, tweeted:" The departure of Özil is a confession of failure for our country. Will we ever belong? My doubts are growing day by day. Am I right to say that as Secretary of State? This is, in any case, what I feel. And that hurts.

Sawsan Chebli
(@ SawsanChebli)

Dbad # Özil Geht, ist ein Armutszeugnis für unser Land. Werden wir jemals dazugehören? Meine Zweifel werden täglich größer. Darf ich das als Staatssekretärin sagen? Ist jedenfalls das, was ich fühle. Und das tut weh

22 July 2018

The German Foreign Minister on Monday rejected the accusation that the last chapter of the Özil saga should be read as a verdict on the approach of the Integration of the country as a whole. "I do not believe that the case of a multimillionaire living and working in England will give us information about the ability to integrate in Germany," said Heiko Maas, at a press conference with British Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt. ] "Whatever it is, what matters is what happens on the ground." The fact that the Germans were expelled at such an early stage has very little to do with the fact that Mr. Özil was allowed to photograph with Mr. Erdoğan. "

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