The son of Pono Moatlhodi arrested for possession of cocaine


PIC FILE: Boitshoko Moatlhodi with his father

Trouble seems to follow the former vice president of the National Assembly of Pono Moatlhodi's son, Boitshoko Moatlhodi, wherever he goes.

Just three years after he narrowly escaped the death of a five-year-old boy in an alleged hit-and-run incident, Moatlhodi, 37, is back on the wrong side of the law for possession illegal cocaine alleged.

CID), Deputy Commissioner of Detective Nnunu Lesetedi confirmed that Moatlhodi and his co-accused, Moemedi Nonofo Moshagane (aged 30), were arrested on July 14 near the Ramatlabama border in South Africa after being found in Possession of the Cloth

Lesetedi stated that the two men had been found in possession of a 10g white substance that has since been taken for a laboratory examination.

"The case is not yet registered in court, but we will do it as soon as our investigations are completed." Illegal drugs are a serious concern in this country and we will not give up People have said that we only stop the dagga merchants, but I have to warn those who have other drugs like cocaine that the raid is going on. people along our borders and this clearly shows that these drugs are coming from outside of Botswana, "Lesetedi said.

Lesetedi also revealed that the sanctions for illegal possession of drugs were examined. a minimum term of imprisonment of 10 years and a fine of 20,000 pesos, depending on the weight.

He said that he will check his records to determine whether Moatlhodi and Moshagane have already committed drug offenses that will determine their charges.

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