The UDC hires experts for the 2019 general elections


This publication learned that experts told the UDC that it needed millions to win the 2019 general election. During the weekend of their conference, Boko told members of the raise funds or resources to win. He told members of the Botswana National Front (BNF) in Rakops that the experts had told them that there were three types of election campaigns that had no chance of winning elections.

"The first of them is a campaign that does not have a persuasive message to provide to voters and that does not have a clear idea of ​​what voters it wants to persuade." the second campaign has a concise strategy, a persuasive message and a clear idea of ​​the voters that she wants to persuade, but lacks a reasonable plan of what to do between election day to persuade These voters are wasting time and money as she wanders aimlessly towards polling day.The third type of campaign is one that has a clear message , a clear idea of ​​his constituents and a plan to get to election day, but fails to follow the plan, do not do the hard work day after day to be elected.

It's a campaign lazy who makes excuses as to why she can not do what she knows to have to do ", Dec. Boko. He said that they must lead a campaign for 2019 that takes time to target voters, develop a persuasive message

and follow a reasonable plan to contact those voters directly.

Boko told members of the BNF that the type of campaign they need requires resources and that, without sufficient resources, they will not lead winning campaigns. He urged each region to conduct intensive research on a number of issues presented by experts such as the characteristics of voters, the main factors influencing this election, and the strengths and weaknesses of each viable opponent. On other issues, Boko admitted to receiving numerous reports and complaints both formally and informally about their primary elections.

"Many people are aggrieved and unhappy, we need to think soberly and very carefully about our recent experiences and bring lasting solutions to strengthen the credibility of our elections."

"One of the troubling questions, about which the central committee has recently pronounced, is the question of control. Many of our constituencies seem to have misunderstood the entire process and control procedures.

The main principles are very easy to understand. Vetting equates to a determination of the eligibility of the absence of it in relation to a candidate. It is a process that can result in adverse decisions against individuals, "he said.

He said that the central committee had no difficulty declaring that all the control processes that had at the time were inappropriate and illegal to allow the persons concerned to benefit from a fair hearing.

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