Trump is not happy with GM – plans to cut subsidies


Following the announcement by General Motors of the reorganization of its production capabilities and downsizing, US President Trump has set out to twitter to express his disappointment.

GM's plan to improve its commercial performance includes the closure of three North American automotive plants (Oshawa, Ontario, Lordstown, Ohio and the Hamtramck Detroit plant), as well as two propulsion plants in Warren, Michigan. and Baltimore, Maryland.

These measures would result in a workforce reduction of approximately 15% in North America. President Trump began tweeting to say that he was "very disappointed with General Motors and its chief executive, Mary Barra," while adding that the company had chosen not to close any businesses in Mexico or China. He also said that he was now considering removing all GM subsidies, including for electric cars.

Following President Trump's comments, GM responded with his own tweets by reiterating that the company "is committed to maintaining a strong manufacturing presence in the US" and that "this includes the addition of technical jobs and engineering that supports the future of mobility ".

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