UDC leads the battle of manifestos


Prof Otlogetswe, Lerubisi, Saleshando and Molefhi

Prof Otlogetswe, Lerubisi, Saleshando and Molefhi

There are only three months left until the long-awaited general election in October 2019, the political parties are working hard to launch their manifesto to voters, all stop to attract potential voters to their camp.

Four political parties, the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP), Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC), the Alliance for Progressives and the Real Alternative Party (RAP) have so far launched their manifesto, while the Botswana Democracy Movement (BMD) has yet to present anything to potential voters.

In an effort to stimulate voter education, the Council of Non-Governmental Organizations of Botswana (BOCONGO), in partnership with the body badessing democracy, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, organized on Thursday the round table on the battle of the manifestos.

The Manifesto Roundtable Discussion, on "Creating Jobs and Fighting Corruption," brought together representatives of the four political parties to unveil their manifestos on the promises they made for voters in view of the 2019 elections.

Prof. Thapelo Otlogetswe represented BDP, Dumelang Saleshando (SVP), Thatayaone Molefhi (AP) and Franklin Lerubisi (RAP).


Political parties have since begun the campaign, although political badyst Leonard Sesa has observed that the election campaign in this year's elections began on a modest note compared to the 2014 elections.

Here is an overview of the party campaign.


The opposition coalition led by lawyer Douma Boko proved serious in April, when the opposition leader used the helicopter to fly over three constituencies on a daily basis.

However, Boko's campaign wings were later cut off by Botswana's Botswana Unified Revenue Service, accusing Boko of violating the CAAB (Civil Aviation Authority) advisory circular.


The ruling party had very little election campaigning for the parliamentary elections, but only in the run-up to Kang's elective congress, where President Masisi was challenged by Dr. Pelonomi Moitoi as party leader.

President Masisi's PDE began its launches of candidates with Vice President Slumber Tsogwane in Rakops two weeks ago, while Mpho Balopi was launched yesterday (Saturday) in Gaborone North.

As it was expected that the heat of the countryside will intensify, the AP also unveiled its two campaign buses in April. Two door-to-door campaigns have been held across the country, with little or no activity right now.

The Ndaba Gaolatlhe-led movement has also nominated its candidates for MPs and councilors across the country in an effort to attract votes on election day.


The Real Alternative Party has yet to launch a serious campaign, although the party has officially launched its manifesto recently in Gaborone.

Political disputes

As the election season approaches, its political climate reaches its peak with political positions, which shows that voters are trapped, given the low turnout of voters.

Khama vs Masisi

This is a long-running quarrel between President Masisi and his predecessor Ian Khama, the war attracting the attention of the international community.

President Masisi and Khama did not have good relations, which led Khama to abandon the BDP and form the BDP's new dissident party, the Botswana Patriotic Front (BPF).

In addition, BDP alumni, former President Festus Mogae, former Vice President Ponatshego Kedikilwe, former cabinet ministers David Magang and Patrick Balopi and others have tried their luck with little success in reconciling the two.


Another political quarrel between the UDC opposition coalition and BMD is in the courts, BMD challenging the legitimacy of being expelled from the coalition.

UDC made the decision to expel the BMD headed by Sydney Pilane after he was accused of acting against the interests of the UDC.

BMD then filed a lawsuit against UDC, alleging the coalition's unfair dismissal, which, according to the president of BMD, is the project launched by his party, more than any other contractual partner.

The UDC case, BMD was postponed until August, just one month before the election period, which sowed confusion in the minds of some supporters of the UDC coalition.

AP, UDC fail

Another unstable political space was dominated by the collapse of the negotiations for unity between AP and UDC before the elections.

AP claimed that she had given UDC the month of February to meet her demands focused on labor relations. So UDC missed on February 28th.th set the ultimatum by AP.

In addition, there are some elements of nemesis between the two political sides, as evidenced by the lowering of the launch of the PA manifesto by UDC, although it was invited by all the contractual partners of the coalition.

The secretary general of the PA then explained that the refusal of the UDC to have resulted in Pilane's invitation during the AP manifesto in April, but the door SPU's spokesman later denied that argument, saying that UDC had other activities on the same day.

Manifest and promises


The ruling party launched its manifesto, which has since provoked negative reactions from the public, which lacks clear targets for job creation.

Professor Thapelo Otlogetswe, representative of the BDP, remains optimistic about creating sustainable jobs in the sectors of agriculture, tourism and the arts.

He added that if the program lacked objectives, it would not in any way haunt the BDP, adding that the neglected bill of living wage was also not a concern.

With regard to corruption, Otlogetswe noted that the BDP government is arming against corruption by accusing the bill on the declaration of wealth, as promised by Masisi, to be adopted at the same time. of the July sitting of Parliament.


UDC, in its manifesto, promises to create 100,000 jobs the first year and introduce a minimum wage of 3,000 P in case the party is elected to power after the October polls.

Asked how the party will succeed in creating jobs, Saleshando has forecast that UDC will generate jobs in the construction and manufacturing sectors, which he says can also make a significant contribution to GDP.

"Our goal as a CDU of creating 100,000 jobs is very practical and possible because, as a party, we are certain that we are going to locate jobs, for example by stopping sending mineral processing out of the country. Botswana. We will also create jobs through industrial hemp whose economic value is appreciated in our neighboring countries, such as Malawi, "he said.

Ms. Saleshando added that the independence of oversight bodies such as the DCEC was the way the UDC had the intention to fight steep corruption because it is now influenced by the government in the Execution of its mandate.


The living wage is 6,500 P is a promise made by the Real Alternative party of Onkemetse Lerubisi who also said that the party pledged to introduce an unemployment allowance of 3,250 P 3.

Lerubisi said that RAP, in its fight against corruption, would guarantee that the death penalty is applied to those who commit acts of corruption, making the badistants laugh.

The manifesto party is committed to reducing the unemployment rate from 20% to less than 10% by placing agriculture among the top four contributors to GDP.

In addition, the AP electoral program, focused on economic change, promises to attract at least 100 billion pesos a year in domestic and foreign investment.

Thatayaone Molefhi, APP's parliamentary candidate in Gaborone North, who represented the manifesto party, said she intended to reduce non-mining exports to at least 40 percent of GDP.

Topics of discussion

Prohibition of hunting

The government's decision to lift the ban on hunting elephants provoked an uproar, especially from the western international community that bombed Botswana for its decision.

Environmentalists around the world have reacted with indignation and concern at the decision of the Masisi government to lift its ban on hunting elephants.

Masisi, however, took the government's decision during his official visit to the United States, saying that the ban on hunting would be highly controlled and monitored.

Former President Ian Khama also asked Masisi to have lifted the ban on hunting during his meeting with the South African press last week, saying that it would increase elephant poaching.


The meat commission was one of the dominant debates of the previous parliamentary session because of its decline in profitability.

State-owned enterprises have been a source of discussion or campaign results for most politicians, some calling for privatization of the commission, others opposing the decision.

Just a few months ago, BMC was sued by famed livestock baron Patrick Balopi, who wanted BMC to fulfill its obligations for park services. fattening.

Two weeks ago, it was announced that BMC had reached an agreement with China to export beef to the Chinese market, with BMC officials remaining confident in the recovery thanks to a deficit commission.

Ian Khama

Former President Ian Khama recently spoke about the city because of the growing tension that he had against his predecessor, Mokgweetsi Masisi.

The president's permanent secretary, Curter Morupisi, called a press conference during which he expressed the government's dissatisfaction with Khama's conduct after his presidency.

The clash between Khama and his party, the BDP, earned him a working relationship with the opposition UDC coalition, a move that worried some party members.

Bangwato Kgosi Kgolo held two kgotla consultative meetings in Serowe where, at the last meeting, he decided to separate from the ruling party, the BDP, which promised to remove some of the party members before the elections.

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