Unai Emery says Arsenal family will support Mesut Ozil after international midfield retreat


Nai Emery said that Arsenal would provide Mesut Ozil with the support he needs and a semblance of "normalcy" as a result of the midfielder's decision to withdraw from international service with him. Germany this week.

The old man ended his nine-year career with Germany after accusing the German Football Federation (DFB) of treating him of "racism and disrespect" in the player's photo alongside Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan before the World Cup.

The DFB "categorically rejected" Ozil's allegations of racist treatment and, while Arsenal Emery's manager was not taking sides, he offered his support to the German as a as a member of his team during a preseason tour of Singapore. Speaking at a press conference before the friendly tomorrow against Atletico Madrid, with Paris St Germain also providing opposition later on the trip, Emery said: said: "We all want to help Mesut to feel at home here, like" He feels here with us that he can work every day, and it's good for us that he decided to come here and work with us before our two matches. "19659006] window.clientlibs.js.twitter_js = {
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