Unilever boss resigns after failed project to move to the Netherlands | Business


Unilever CEO Paul Polman resigns after the company was forced to give up his planned relocation from London to Rotterdam after a shareholder rebellion.

The group, whose brands include Marmite, Dove soap and Magnum ice cream, abandoned its plan to simplify its dual Anglo-Dutch structure in October after an unprecedented rebellion by its British shareholders. The quarrel dealt a heavy blow to the credibility of its senior executives, Polman, and the president, Marijn Dekkers.

Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever

Paul Polman will leave in July. A photograph: Getty

Polman is a leading figure in the industry and has been at the helm of Unilever for more than ten years. Alan Jope, president of the Beauty and Personal Care division, the largest division of Unilever, will succeed him on January 1st.

The company said Polman would support the transition process in the first half of the year and start in early July.

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Jope, 54, has been leading the fields of beauty and personal care since 2014. Previously, he ran Unilever's North Asia operations for four years. personal care roles in the United States. He joined Unilever as a marketing trainee in 1985.

Dekkers said, "Paul is an outstanding corporate executive who has transformed Unilever into one of the most successful companies in his industry and one of the most admired in the world. His role in defining a new era of responsible capitalism, enshrined in Unilever's sustainability plan, positions him as one of the most far-sighted business leaders of his generation. .

"Paul's vision, drive and performance goal, combined with his commitment to serving the best long-term interests of the company, have significantly strengthened Unilever. It leaves a more agile and resilient company, well positioned to win in this rapidly changing and dynamic industry. "

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