Saturday Night Live Cast member Pete Davidson may have surprised some viewers when he appeared on the weekend's Christmas show, just hours after an article posted on Instagram that said he had suicidal thoughts.
Davidson, who has already been outspoken about his fight against mental illness, wrote on Instagram: "I really do not want to be on this earth anymore", immediately arousing the concern of celebrities and fans.
"I'm doing my best to stay here for you, but I do not know how long I can last," reads the message. "All I tried to do was help people. Remember that I told you.
Shortly after it was published, Davidson deleted his Instagram account. In response, police officers met with Davidson to conduct an audit of their well-being, according to CNN.
In the light of events, Davidson had to sit down SNLThe latest episode of 2018 (with the exception of his appearance in an excerpt from the movie "Oscar Host Auditions" pre-recorded earlier in the week). But at 12:50 pm, he presented his first and only live concert to introduce musical guests Mark Ronson, Miley Cyrus and Sean Ono Lennon, a task that is almost always reserved for the host of the night – presumably SNLWay to let everyone know that it was taken into account.
Since I joined SNL In 2014, Davidson spoke openly about his mental health, particularly his fight against borderline personality disorder and the stigma surrounding mental illness. The comedian has discussed his health several times in Weekend Update, most recently in a sequence of October 6 in which he spoke of his own difficulties while criticizing the rapper Kanye West.
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