WATCH: R1.8m Bonsmara bull auctioned a South African record


DURBAN – Submit it. It's a bull in a million – R1.8 million to be exact. Not only is it a South African record for the Bonsmara breed, according to Louis Steyl of the Bonsmara SA Society, the bull LAR14173 has put its strong hoof on the world record.

At an auction held on Friday at Ralfe's family farm in the Elandslaagte region, despite the difficult economic climate, this three-year-old and ten-month-old champion has had breeders who have untied their purse strings. ] To put it in perspective, 68 bulls sold on average at R110000, so to obtain a tender of R1.8m, the bull LAR14173 was indeed the big boss of the herd.

A South African auctioneer, Brandon Leer of AAM Livestock Agents and Auctioneers, said in more than 30 years in the trade, he found the bull to be one of the best that he has never seen.

"There is no doubt that Stud Up Bonsmara is one of the best producers of Bonsmara in South Africa."

Leer says that he opened the auction at R20000 000.

"There were high expectations, and a lot of hype around this sale, sometimes there was a bit of a delay in the bidding, but by the time it pbaded R1.2m, they really started to

"Until then, many thought they had an opportunity, but there were only two bidders and they had a real conviction in their bidding. "

A beast of beauty … and dollars. LAR 14173 was auctioned at 1.8 million rand. Scan the image to watch the auction video. VIDEO: Provided

The winning bid went to the AVD group, but the Sunday Tribune was unable to establish which province.

For those who might not know their Brahmin from their Bonsmara, the latter is a South African Thirty or so years ago, Derek and his father, Lawrence Ralfe, founded the Up George Farm in the Elandslagte region. Derek and his wife, Tutu, both grew up on farms and acquired their pbadion for raising their fathers, two highly respected breeders.

According to Karen Melouney, one of the owners of the AAM, Bonsmaras is scientifically selected, rigorously selected "They adapt well to the veld and are renowned for their mothering ability, their fertility, their high weight at weaning, ease of calving and superior growth under intensive and extensive conditions, and they have a good temperament, "he says. said Melouney.

According to Tutu, who is delighted with the result of the auction, their flock is not pampered. "They run on the veld with a given lick depending on the season.We are very active and apply a strict vaccination and health program."


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