"We are united": the victory of France at the World Cup brings together a nation


With so many people on the streets and excitement, some bus lines stopped to stop people from getting on the rooftops of the buses, and many taxis were staying at home for the same reason . In Paris, police used tear gas to disperse crowds near fan areas

France had put almost all its security forces in service, said Interior Minister Gerard Collomb, whose 12,000 in the streets of Paris.

In Marseille, fans gathered on the Old Port, the natural harbor of the Mediterranean city, and some jumped to the water when France won.

More inside, in Aix-en-Provence, the Cours Mirabeau packed with supporters. In Lyon, fans flooded the central square Bellecour, although a rain storm threatened to darken the city. And while the holiday season was in full swing, campground and vacationers from the Côte d'Azur huddled around the televisions to watch the game.

Aussan Benaissa, 40, who watched the match in Paris with his 8-year-old son. , said that he felt a special pride in the star turned by young players from the suburbs. It was a moment to be proud to be an immigrant – his father was Algerian – instead of feeling like a stranger.

"These are young men whose parents came from North Africa," said Benaissa. "We feel more French with them."

Even before the final whistle, Wael Benzoura, 8, anticipated the joy: He began to dance on the shoulders of his mother. On his back his mother had painted the number 10 and the name Mbappé in the honor of his son's favorite player.

"We are champions," she said with a smile. "I can not believe what's going on."

"What a message to the world," added Ms. Benzoura. "Look what Kylian did, look what the French have come to accomplish."

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