World Cup: Blaming Africa's poor performance on mismanagement


Football is not just another sport. There are many sports, and Africans seem to excel in the sport, even with the least effort.

Some believe that we have genetic advantages in the physicality that predispose us to success in sports. This is a taboo area to explore, and genetics researchers have generally avoided participating – because the results are almost certain to end in the politically correct world of today.

But if Africans love their sport, football is something else. We absolutely love the sport. Throughout Africa, little boys and girls learn to shoot and throw a ball almost from the moment they can walk.

Lack of resources does not matter, ingenuity abounds and footballs are made of polythene bags. All this raises the question: with such enthusiasm for sports across the continent, why are African teams so desperate for football? At the ongoing World Cup in Russia, the five representatives from Africa were all dispatched in the first round of matches.

Only Senegal presented a performance worth mentioning. Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Nigeria were all badped boys, swaying at once like boxers stuffed with punch. What hurts African football

Surprisingly – or not, according to your cynicism – Africa's football weaknesses are due to this old mainland adversary: ​​our chronic inability to prepare ourselves

. for almost everything in Africa, and the resulting chaos and incompetence have become a word of order for Africa on the world stage.

The African looks forward to the outdoor shows to have arrived, but does not want to put in trouble would make this label true.

Take Nigeria. In preparation for the World Cup, Nigeria has dominated the sporting events around the world – not for their football, nor for their preparations, but because they had the most beautiful kit.

The jerseys and green and white shorts were exhausted time record, allowing the Nigerian Football Association to reap a nice amount. But this good news obscured a critical failure: as usual, Nigeria was ill-prepared for the tournament.

Money quarrels and team selection allowed the team to play in Russia 10 days before the start of the tournament. The indemnities to be paid to the players have not been agreed, foreign players have not been reimbursed for their travel expenses … the litany of woes continues.

At the bottom of this incompetence is, of course, corruption – the real cause The same story of national uselessness is repeated across Africa, regardless of discipline – be it sport or the governance.

Kenya has recently witnessed a particularly embarrbading stalemate involving our popular team rugby team, Shujaa, whose team allocations have mysteriously disappeared.

The players protested by hiding the logo of one of their sponsors, which led their coach to go to the Ministry of Sports to give explanations. his players, he was sacked on the spot – but his players then went on strike and refused to play, forcing the ministry to cancel the dismissal. But coach Innocent Simiyu now knows that he is a marked man. Little surprise African teams do not count much on the world stage!



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