Wynter gets cold on Nkaigwa's AP-BDP pact claim


NOT AMUSED: Mmolotsi

Vice President of the Alliance for Progressives (AP), Wynter Mmolotsi, has been elected at Gaborone North's Member of Parliament, Haskins Nkayigwa's remarks that the party is working on a coalition with the ruling party.

In an interview with The Voice this week, Nkayigwa who recently defected to Botswana National Front (BNF) made allegations that the AP was holding meetings with the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) 's leadership to plan a deal.

Nkayigwa said that they have not yet decided to go ahead.

"This is something they are not telling their members. People will know about it after elections, "he said.

However, Mmolotsi dismissed Nkayigwa's badertion as blue lies. "Nkayigwa is losing his mind and the more he is going around spreading the lies. Is not a pastor, I now doubt him. We are not holding any secret meetings with President Mokgweetsi Masisi or his faction. Whatever is happening at the BDP is none of our business, "said the Francistown South legislator.

Mmolotsi explained that in their meetings, they made it clear that they should not be involved in any of the factional wars of the BDP and the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) 's smash.

"The UDC is joined by one of the BDP factions not us. We are focused on our project and Nkayigwa must learn to tell the truth, "he added.

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