Bottas takes P1 in qualifying, but will start Italian GP last Sunday after changing powertrain


Valtteri Bottas will start the Italian Grand Prix on Sunday from the back of the grid after taking away a series of new powertrain components, but, after taking the P1 in qualifying on Friday, the Mercedes driver is still convinced he can score solidly in Sunday’s race.

Bottas won the Pirelli Speed ​​King award after dominating qualifying on Friday night and will therefore start first for the Sprint F1 on Saturday afternoon. However, after Mercedes changed his engine and other components on Saturday, the Finn will start Sunday’s GP from the back of the pack as the changes will result in a penalty of more than 15 grid places.

READ MORE: Bottas defeats Hamilton in Monza qualifying to win first grid spot for F1 Sprint

After taking P1 for the Sprint on Friday, Bottas said: “I think in Sprint obviously there is the possibility of getting some points, so of course [we’ll] trying to get as many points as possible tomorrow as we can and then it’s another fight on Sunday.

“Now I’m focusing on tomorrow first and trying to deal with that on Sunday, and looking at the pace we have here, I’m sure we can get some strengths on Sunday.”


Bottas will start first for the F1 Sprint and last for the Grand Prix

The outgoing Mercedes driver, who will join Alfa Romeo in 2022, added he was surprised by the gap to Red Bull in qualifying.

“Yes the car has been really good this weekend and you saw there was also a little gap with Red Bull so maybe it has been stronger than expected so far this weekend, and I hope it will be the same in rhythm racing, ”he said.

The last time Bottas started last on the grid was during the 2019 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, where he finished fourth. So, on Sunday, can the Silver Arrows help Bottas fight their way forward?

HIGHLIGHTS: Discover all the key moments of qualifying at Monza

2021 Italian GP qualifying: Bottas claims P1 for the start of the F1 Sprint race

“Of course I’m sure there is something we can hopefully do differently starting from the back and yes that should be a great battle,” he said. “For now, focus on the Sprint race tomorrow, of course starting from the front, hoping to get the maximum points tomorrow and then do the best possible job on Sunday,” he added.

F1 SPRINT: What to expect each day as the exciting format returns to Monza

The full list of modified parts on Bottas’ W12 is as follows: internal combustion engine, turbocharger, MGU-H, MGU-K and exhaust (of which he has used four of the eight awarded exhausts this season).

In accordance with Formula 1 sporting regulations: “… Each driver may not use more than 3 engines (ICE), 3 heat generators (MGU-H), 3 turbochargers (TC), 2 energy accumulators (ES), 2 electronic regulators (EC), 3 kinetic generator sets (MGU-K) and 8 sets of engine exhaust systems during a championship season. “


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