Boy, 11, graduates in quantum physics in 18 months, wants to make people immortal


Laurent Simons, 11, obtained a bachelor’s degree with distinction from the University of Antwerp in 18 months of study. His specialty was quantum physics. Today, Simons, who is half Belgian and half Dutch, is preparing his doctorate which will take him to several different countries, including Israel, a biotechnology hub. He says his research goal is “immortality” achieved by “replacing as many parts of the body as possible with artificial organs.”

From age:

“I can imagine that a lot of people think ‘leave him alone, he’s still young'”, [Laurent’s mother] mentionned.

“But the people who say that haven’t had a child like Laurent. Anyone, including psychologists, who wants to give advice, just can’t, because there’s never been a case like this. before”.

“I find it flattering that people compare me to Einstein,” said Laurent, who has an IQ of 145. “But I think everyone is unique. Einstein is just Einstein and I, Laurent, I am than Laurent. “

top image: Instagram


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