Brad Marchand and his daughter share a sweet moment before the Bruins game


Brad Marchand and his daughter share a sweet moment before the Bruins game

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WEBVTT ICE. AND OUT OF ICE? IT DOES WITH A GREAT SMIG IN THE INTERIOR OF MONICA, IN THE NORTH, BETWEEN THE MEDIA OF PROSCIUTTO AND A LAND AND RIGHT AT THE HEART OF LIFE WITH BRAD MARCHAND, A SUMMARY INTERRUPTION. BRAD: HELLO? AUTOMATED MACHINE. MARIA: BRAD HAS A ROBO CALL? I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT! AND NOW BACK TO LIFE. YOU KNOW IT LIKE THE FEISTY LEFT WING OF BRUINS. OUT OF ICE, IT IS ALWAYS BEAUTIFUL FEISTY. He just called you Brad. GET THE LAST NAME OF THE WAY. PLEASURE I HOPE? WHAT IS THE REAL WAY TO SAY YOUR NAME? BRAD: IT COMES SO MUCH. I AM BY MERCHANT. MARIA: Let's say it slowly – BRAD – BRAD: "MARSH AND." MARIA: DO YOU SAVE THE D AT THE END? BRAD: YES. MARIA: HERE IS AS IT IS FOR HIS PERSONALIZED, HIS BIO NHL. CHIRPY – HAVE YOU OBTAINED THESE WORDS? BRAD: I think my wife is probably dead. MARIA: THIS IS NOT LIKE HER WOMAN. EVEN PRESIDENT OBAMA IS CALLING – TALKING ABOUT THE SMALL BALL OF A. PRES. OBAMA: What's up with this nickname? MARIA: Is that bathing you? OH, DO YOU WEAR IT AS A BADGE? BRAD: I think it's the ultimate compliment to be told from the president of US chain Maria: as a little ball of hate. BRAD: I think my team is because they like me, but I hate my opponents. ON THE ICE, THOSE THAT ARE FINALLY ASPECTS OF MY GAME. THERE ARE OTHER THINGS THAT I DO WELL, AND THAT AFFECTS MY GAME AND PERSONALITY. People who care about me and me, my family members, my friends, they have the same hopes and the same goals as me. They are behind me and everything I do of course, everyone makes mistakes along the way, and there are things I would like to change, but – Maria: Like what? Do you have faces licked? BRAD I WILL CHANGE PROBABLY THAT. WHAT I DO NOT DO, THINK THE CONSEQUENCES OF THINGS AND THINK ABOUT WHAT A GREAT DEAL CAN BE. MARIA: DURING THE HEAT OF THE MOMENT. BRAD: YEAH. I take things very lightly. SPEAKED TO MY TEAMS. They understand that I take things lightly, I think I'm aware, and I do not think too much about things, and at times that's wrong, it's a shock. At times, I can go back and understand how enormous this situation could have been. I probably would not do that. MARIA: BRETT TELLS YOU THAT IT'S HOW TO GIVE HER OF HER PERSPECTIVE, BE A MARI TO HER BEAUTIFUL WOMAN KATRINA, BE A DAD TO HER CHILDREN. I asked him what made him melt, making him believe his family. BRAD: ICE CREAM. CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE DO. MARIA: IT'S WHAT DO YOU LIKE? THIS IS YOUR THING. BRAD: YEAH, YEAH. MARI I DO NOT KNOW IF YOU ARE A PLANE. BRAD: I graduated from Vanilla. MARIA: WE HAVE GOT YOUR NAME, IN YOUR ICE CREAM, BUT IT'S YOUR FAMILY THAT MOVES YOU. BRAD: Far from the game, it's pretty all my time with them. WHEN YOU HAVE CHILDREN, KNOW AND ACHIEVE WHAT IS IMPORTANT, AND THE REASON THAT I PLAY THE GAME CHANGED. MARIA: And it helps too. GIVING BACK. IT IS REALLY INVOLVED IN DYSLEXIA, NO DISABILITY, AN ORGANIZATION THAT WILL HELP STUDENTS WITH DYSLEXIA AND CHILDREN ALSO LIKE LEAH WHO HAVE TRUNK LEUKEMIA. He says he's put a big mark on his heart. BRAD: THANK YOU. LAILA HAS BEEN AN INCREDIBLE GIRL, A VERY BUBBLE PERSONALITY. She suffered a lot. AN INCREDIBLE PERSON. I have to meet her a couple of times now. Every time I see her, she puts a smile on your face. THIS WILL HELP OUR FUTURE AND MORE INCREDIBLE THAN WE CAN DO, AND I AM TAKING ME TO BE PART OF THE. MARI BRAD: YOU ARE REALLY A BEAUTIFUL GUY. BRAD: I FO

Brad Marchand and his daughter share a sweet moment before the Bruins game

Brad Marchand, the Boston Bruins' left wing, is known supporters of other teams as an instigator of the NHL. But even the biggest "hateful" could not stop loving that moment captured in front of the camera before the Saturday night game at TD Garden. While the Bruins were preparing for their game against the Senators, Marchand spotted his girlfriend along the glass and had a tender moment. The angry Bruins scored at the last minute of the game to win a 3-2 victory over the Senators.

Brad Marchand, the Boston Bruins' left wing, is known supporters of other teams as an instigator of the NHL.

But even the biggest "hateful" could not stop loving that moment captured in front of the camera before Saturday night's game at TD Garden.

While the Bruins were preparing for their game against the Senators, Marchand saw his girlfriend along the glass and had a tender moment.

The angry Bruins scored at the last minute of the game to win a 3-2 victory over the Senators.

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