Breakfast is healthy, but it’s okay to skip


Breakfast is often considered the most important meal of the day. And there’s some evidence that breakfast can be good for you, but you can skip it too.

What is more important is that you eat whole foods rich in vitamins and nutrients that will fuel you throughout the day whether or not you start eating in the morning.

Can I skip breakfast?

Ultimately, whether or not to skip breakfast depends on your goals.

For example, breakfast is associated with benefits such as:

  • Weightloss: A recent small study found that men burned 2.5 times more calories throughout the day when they ate a hearty breakfast and small dinner compared to a heavy breakfast and dinner.
  • A healthy weight: Research on Japanese men and women found that those who skipped breakfast were more likely to gain weight and be obese.
  • More stable blood sugar: A study of people with type 2 diabetes found that those who skipped breakfast had higher HbA1 levels and more variable blood sugar levels.
  • Reduced risk of certain diseases such as heart disease: A large observational study found that people who ate breakfast were less likely to die from cardiovascular disease over 23 years of follow-up.
  • Better performance in daily tasks, such as school and work: Research suggests that breakfast offers a slight benefit on cognitive function, including memory. For example, one exam found that students who eat breakfast tend to have better grades and are less likely to disrupt the class.

While skipping breakfast is also associated with benefits like weight loss. Other research has shown that skipping breakfast can reduce total daily calorie intake, which can lead to weight loss.

Some people also skip breakfast in the form of intermittent fasting. In general, intermittent fasting is linked to benefits such as:

  • Lower risk of chronic disease: Researchers have found that people who practice intermittent fasting have lower risk factors for diseases like heart disease and cancer.
  • Better blood sugar control: Intermittent fasting may help improve insulin sensitivity, especially in people with diabetes, to help reduce spikes in blood sugar.

As you can see, some studies suggest that breakfast is important, while others suggest the opposite. This is why it is so difficult for experts to say for sure that breakfast is the best for your health.

It’s also important to note that most breakfast studies are observational and don’t necessarily separate cause and effect.

Therefore, one study may find that healthier people tend to eat breakfast. But we don’t know if the breakfast caused these people to be healthier or if breakfast is a common habit among healthy people for other reasons.

So when you plan to skip or eat breakfast, focus on your specific needs.

“The time of your day depends on your schedule and your digestion. Some people should eat earlier, and others might not be hungry in the morning, ”says Taub-Dix, registered dietitian and nutritionist and author of Read It Before You Eat It – Taking You From Etiquette to the Table.

Why breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day

When it comes to weight and overall health, what and how much you eat is more important than when you eat.

“My favorite word is balance, and that makes a big difference,” says Taub-Dix.

Some scientific reviews have shown that studies tend to overestimate the importance of breakfast and that the reliable data to show the benefits is quite limited.

Although some studies have shown that breakfast can help improve mental and physical performance in the morning, compared to hunger, there is little evidence that it has a benefit if you eat enough.

If you skip breakfast, intentionally or by mistake, the important thing is to make sure you are eating nutrient-dense meals throughout the day to ensure that you are getting your body healthy. As a rough guide, the Mediterranean Diet and the DASH Diet are considered by nutritionists to be one of the healthiest diets you can follow.

For a healthy breakfast, aim for unprocessed foods that contain protein, fiber, and healthy fats.

Taub-Dix recommends eating a combination of protein and complex carbohydrates to fuel your muscles and brain, as well as healthy fats to help you feel more satisfied after eating.

Here are some examples of balanced breakfasts based on the DASH diet:

  • Peanut butter or almond butter and berry oatmeal
  • Fruit and nut yogurt
  • Whole grain toast with eggs and / or cheese and vegetables

You can also find a mix of breakfast options in our 7 Day Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan, such as:

  • Scrambled eggs with spinach and tomatoes
  • Zucchini and tomato omelet
  • Whole wheat toast with mashed avocado and egg

Avoid processed foods, like sugary cereals or packaged pastries and muffins, as they can be high in added sugar and can cause cravings or low energy later in the day.

“So many people have a muffin or a pastry, but that doesn’t really satisfy you,” says Taub Dix. “You might find yourself with your head on your desk at noon.”

Instead, opt for complex carbohydrates like whole grains over refined grains because they’re high in fiber, which you digest more slowly, making them more nutritious and important to a healthy gut biome.

Takeaway from the insider

Breakfast is linked to benefits like stable energy and a healthy weight in some people.

Overall, there is no conclusive evidence that skipping or having breakfast is better. So you can choose to have breakfast or not, depending on your personal preferences.

“Eating throughout the day makes it easier for you to meet your needs,” says Taub-Dix. “But if you prefer it and know how to balance the rest of your day, there is no rule that you have to eat breakfast.”


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