Breast Cancer Mortality Rates in UK Decrease Faster in Europe's "Big Six" | Society


Research shows that breast cancer death rates are declining faster in Britain than in any of Europe's six most populous countries.

The death rate from illness decreased by 17.7% between 2010 and 2014 thanks to screening, earlier diagnosis and improved treatment, a study conducted at European level [pdf] found.

International cancer incidence experts estimate that the United Kingdom had an age-standardized breast cancer mortality rate of 18.39 per 100,000 population in 2005-2009. However, this figure dropped to 16.19 in 2010-2014 and is expected to fall further to 13.33 this year, they conclude.

This means that by this year, the United Kingdom will have recorded the largest drop in its death rate – 17.7% – among the six most populous countries in Europe since 2010-2014. The equivalent reductions in the other countries studied are Germany (12.5%), France (12.1%), Spain (11.3%) and Italy (9%). 7%), while Poland recorded an increase of 6.1%.

However, the aging of the UK population, rising obesity and other factors mean that the total number of breast cancer deaths in Britain is expected to continue to increase, even as the death rate declines. The disease accounts for about 11,900 deaths per year and is the second most common form of cancer death among women after lung cancer.

Cancer activists welcomed the trend, but warned that the progress made still meant that Britain was now only reaching the European average breast cancer mortality after many years well below.

"It is really encouraging that, thanks to advances in research and the NHS, breast cancer mortality rates in the UK should finally catch up with the rest of Europe," said Lady Morgan, director Breast Cancer Now.

"But with increasing incidence and more than 11,000 mothers, daughters and sisters still dying from metastatic breast cancer each year, these advances can not happen soon enough and we need to do a lot more.

"Although this analysis is very positive news, our growth rate seems to be much higher than our neighbors, largely because we have had the highest mortality rates in Europe for a long time."

Italian, Swiss and American researchers, led by Professor Carlo La Vecchia of the University of Milan Medical School, published their findings in the medical journal Annals of Oncology. This is the ninth consecutive year that they predict the number and rate of cancer deaths.

If Britain sees its death rate drop to 13.33 per 100,000 population this year, it will be slightly higher than the EU average of 13.36.

Academics believe that women aged 50 to 69 will benefit most from the reduction in mortality, while women aged 70 to 79 will have the least.

Mortality rates also decreased for seven other major cancers, including cancers of the intestine, stomach, prostate and bladder. However, they continue to have pancreatic cancer. In lung cancer – which kills more Britons than any other form of cancer – mortality will decline in men but will continue to increase among women, as a result of past changes in the gender balance of smokers.

Overall, the number of cancer deaths continues to increase across Europe and will reach 1.4 million this year, compared with 1.35 million in 2014, according to the report. the co-authors.

Professor Fabrice André, editor-in-chief of the Annals of Oncology, said, "Despite the good news that mortality rates are falling in most cancers, the bad news is that, because of the growth and aging of the population , the number of people will die of cancer is increasing.

"This represents a significant burden for society and much more needs to be done to prevent cancer first."


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