British teenager wakes up from coma. He had no idea about COVID


Joseph Flavill has been in a coma for 10 months. He only woke up recently. And he had no idea about the virus – even though he had been infected twice, according to BBC News.

Wait, what happened?

Joseph Flavill, a 19-year-old boy, fell into a coma after being hit by a car in March 2020, just before the first lockdown in England.

  • “It’s almost like he’s slept through the entire pandemic,” his aunt, Sally Flavill-Smith, told Staffordshire Live.

Flavill only woke up recently. But he knew nothing about the coronavirus pandemic.

  • According to CNN, the UK only had 23 cases of the coronavirus at the time of Flavill’s crash on March 1. Most of the cases were in China. There was one death in the United States at the time as well.


  • “When he gets out of this life will not be as he knows it at all,” Flavill’s other aunt, Kate Yarbo, told CNN. “How do you describe him?
  • “I think it’s going to be a shock. We’re all dealing with it – I’m not sure you can really describe how this pandemic feels. “
  • “We are also very happy to report that Joseph has slowly started to come out of his second stage coma and is starting to respond to simple commands and stimulation,” the family wrote on the Joseph’s Journey website, dedicated to his recovery.

One more thing

According to BBC News, the teenager also contracted COVID-19 twice while in hospital.


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