Browns announce tough injury news


The Cleveland Browns announced today that quarterback Baker Mayfield has a partially torn labrum in his non-pitching shoulder. Should we be worried?

Questions have multiplied for the Cleveland browns the last two weeks, was Baker Mayfield’s healthy shoulder? He took a big hit against the Houston Texans and hasn’t really looked good since.

After initially battling the pain and not being on the injury report, the Browns announced this morning that the quarterback has a partially torn labrum in his non-pitching shoulder.

How important is this case? It is yet to be seen.

Mayfield has yet to miss a single snapshot in training since returning from undergoing x-rays against the Texans, but there is no doubt his accuracy has degraded. The partial tear is in his shoulder which is not throwing, but the throwing movement is probably still affected by the problem.

How long is Baker Mayfield’s leash?

The guy hasn’t missed a game in three seasons so I just think if he can play through the pain you won’t see a change. However, if a few big-game guys are missing again like he did against the Vikings and it costs the team a game, there will be a lot of pressure to let Case Keenum play while Mayfield tries to find his way back. health.

It’s not a storyline that anyone in Cleveland wants to see, but at the end of the day, that’s why you have such a good save as Keenum. He’s a guy who has a ton of starting experience and can come in and run a game for you.

The question you are hoping does not need to be answered, what percentage of health should Mayfield be before considering Keenum.

Is 70% healthy Mayfield better than 100% Keenum? This is a difficult question, we hope it will not arise.


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