Bruce Springsteen banged with DUI after drinking tequila shot


After news on Wednesday of the arrest of Bruce Springsteen in New Jersey on suspicion of drunk driving last November, an outcry quickly arose: fans were baffled that such a thing would happen to the singer – who is not a teetotaler but has never been known to be a heavy drinker – and Jeep quickly removed the recent Super Bowl commercial featuring Springsteen from their YouTube page, stating that “drink driving cannot never be tolerated ”.

However, unconfirmed details emerged on Wednesday evening that at least mitigated the severity of the offense. The Asbury Park Press (a town close to Springsteen’s home that featured often in Springsteen’s songs) cited a law enforcement report saying the singer’s blood alcohol level was 0.02 – well below the legal limit of 0.08 – and the New York Post quoted a “source close to Springsteen” as saying the 71-year-old singer accepted a single shot of tequila from a fan. Springsteen was riding his motorbike in the Gateway National Recreation Area, a federal park in Sandy Hook, NJ, and had stopped to take photos with fans. He then accepted the photo offered by one of them, in view of the police.

“Bruce stopped, took the photos, then a fan offered him a drink of alcohol, which he took, sitting on his bike, which was stationary,” the source said, according to the report. “The park police saw what happened and immediately arrested Springsteen as he was leaving.

Representatives for Springsteen and the National Park Service did not immediately respond Varietyrequests for comments from.

While the new details, if true, make the incident less outrageous, driving under the influence cannot be excused in any setting, as evidenced by Jeep’s statement after the Springsteen ad was removed. from YouTube.

“It would be inappropriate for us to comment on the details of a topic that we have only read about and cannot justify,” Jeep said in a statement to Variety. “But it’s also fair that we put our Big Game advertising on hold until the real facts can be established. Its message of community and unity is more relevant than ever. So does the message that drink driving can never be tolerated. “

No hearing date had been set for the case at the time of this article’s publication.


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